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This handsome TV host is ready to save gay lives this Movember

This handsome TV host is ready to save gay lives this Movember

This handsome TV host is ready to save gay lives this Movember

Viral sensation AJ Gibson is using his platform for good by teaming up with Movember.


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AJ Gibson is a popular LGBTQ+ TV personality who's gone viral for his hot takes and hilarious banter on many entertainment shows like Access Hollywood, The Wendy Williams Show, and more.

The star is also an established author who's been very open about his struggles with mental health and depression. With today being World Suicide Prevention Day, Gibson is advocating for everyone to check in on one another.

"Men tend to not talk about [mental health] and we make up four out of every five suicide attempts in the United States. The number within the LGBTQ+ community is even higher than that, which is why I'm so excited to be partnering with Movember," Gibson tells PRIDE.

Gibson is the personification of the phrase "it gets better," as he's now living his best gay life by working in multiple successful avenues with his adorable husband by his side. His current lifestyle is a reality he didn't think was possible as a child.

"What I've heard from others is that my story has inspired them [and] that it has saved lives. That's just incredible to me. I had to tiptoe around my sexuality in the beginning of my career. I definitely don't do that anymore and I'm very proud of that. It's inspiring."

Today, there's more resources than ever to help navigate mental health. Movember is the leading global charity that's changing the face of men’s health to help people overcoming their daily struggles.

"Suicide in the United States is the leading cause of death amongst men 15 to 44. I'm 44. I'm just making it out of that range barely. There were so many times where my story could have been different. No life should be lost because somebody feels alone. On this day and on every day, I think it's just important to connect with people and have conversations."

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Ricky Cornish

Ricky Cornish is an on-air correspondent for equalpride, where he's breaking down the latest in pop culture for Out Magazine,, Plus Magazine, The Advocate, and Out Traveler.

Based in Las Vegas, Ricky can be seen interviewing the biggest celebrities at red carpets and premiere events around the city.

To follow Ricky and see what's trending, you can follow him on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, andYouTube.

Ricky Cornish is an on-air correspondent for equalpride, where he's breaking down the latest in pop culture for Out Magazine,, Plus Magazine, The Advocate, and Out Traveler.

Based in Las Vegas, Ricky can be seen interviewing the biggest celebrities at red carpets and premiere events around the city.

To follow Ricky and see what's trending, you can follow him on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, andYouTube.