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Happy 'One Year Anniversary Since Ellen Page Came Out' Day!

Happy 'One Year Anniversary Since Ellen Page Came Out' Day!

Happy 'One Year Anniversary Since Ellen Page Came Out' Day!

We've got just the agenda to celebrate First National Ellen Page Day to its fullest potential!


Forget Valentine's Day; there's a much more important celebration to be had this February 14th. That's right, one year ago today Ellen Page came out via a heartwarming, deeply emotional speech at HRC's Time to Thrive conference, and our lives changed for the better. Ellen has since continued to be a stellar role model, and we treasure every moment of her unique and wonderful honesty, be it as a person or as one of the most talented actresses around. And so, in honor of First National Ellen Page Day (and especially for those of you who would rather Valentine's Day not be a thing), here are 10 ways you can celebrate Ellen Page's glorious existence!

10. Start the day by chugging some Sunny D straight from the jug. Walking through your quaint, hipster neighborhood while doing so is optional. Being pregnant is even more optional. 



9. Now that you're hydrated and ready to go, rewatch Ellen's HRC speech, because it's a very special 8 minutes that will give you hope and get your First National Ellen Page Day off to a great start!



8. No National Ellen Page Day is complete without a little rowdy physical activity! Find your local roller derby team and try your hand at training with them! See, unlike Valentine's Day, National Ellen Page Day encourages exercise, and thus is clearly the superior day.



7. After that aggressive roller derby experience, you'll need to go home and shower off. But first, on the way home, see how many people's dogs you can rename! (disclaimer: this is only one example of an estimate 30,000, so there is basically no limit to how many dogs you should be trying to name).


6. Put aside a few hours to play the video game Ellen stars in, Beyond: Two Souls. Even if the world of video games is utterly beyond you, try as hard as you can because look how cool Ellen Page looks in motion capture gear:



5. Oh no! You now have to take a break from video gaming because you suddenly have to solve an emergency mystery with one of your best friends/detective buddies! (Note: It is acceptable to use a friend who is not related to the Mara family, but bonus points if they are).



4. Congrats! You solved the mystery! Now you get to celebrate by grabbing as many of your friends as you can and making a Sleater-Kinney music video, much like Ellen was a part of here! (Note: a bonus Evan Rachel Wood appearence is always a plus too!)



3. In honor of Ellen Page's heritage, it is important that your celebratory dinner be as Canadian as possible. Feel free to use this video for reference, but please do keep in mind that we do not condone the eating of actual Canadians. 

2. Oh no! Is First National Ellen Page Day truly nearly almost over? What a glorious and productive day it's been! A great way to finish off Ellen Page Day in true Ellen Page form is to become Oscar nominated, but we'll let that one slide if you're just not ready for that step yet. Something to aim for next year!

1. Oh, friends. We've laughed, we've cried. We've solved mysteries, we've named puppies, we've learned how to be roller derby all-stars. Maybe us more high-achieving Ellen Page fans have become Oscar nominees. But no matter where your journey took you, we can all agree we had a wonderful, Ellen-inspired day and that it was much better than that Valentine's Day thing that was also happening. Now, after such a busy day, it's time to sleep. And dream. And dream within a dream. And dream within that dream within that dream within...oh, you get it already.
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