Lost Girl Recap 4.13 - Dark Horse
Lost Girl Recap 4.13 - Dark Horse

It's tough to say farewell to another season of Lost Girl, but at least it got renewed!
March 18 2014 9:30 PM EST
May 31 2023 2:40 PM EST
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Lost Girl Recap 4.13 - Dark Horse
It's tough to say farewell to another season of Lost Girl, but at least it got renewed!
Hi guys! Can you believe we've reached the end of this season of Lost Girl already? Was it a mere 13 episodes ago we first saw the train of parallel dimensions and wished we hadn't seen Lauren's 'Amber' wig? I'm no counting expert but that certainly seems to be the case. So much has happened in the last 12 episodes – Tamsin has grown from child to the tempestuous valkyrie we know and love, Bo has found her destiny, bedded and wed(ded) a dark wanderer, Lauren has made time with three drool-worthy women and maybe something happened with Hale that my finely-honed repression skills have hidden from memory. Also zombies! The title of the finale is Dark Horse which certainly implies we might finally meet Bo's equine fire-breathing papa (Equus pyrotius would presumably be his scientific name) so lets talk about what happened!
The honeymoon is definitely over for our newlyweds as they bicker over how the celebrant and only attendee summoned the uninvited father of the bride before throwing herself onto a fire. Typical wedding night stuff really. Rainer tries to talk Bo around by convincing her that they share real emotions along with their mutual love of leather jackets. In response Bo grasps the handprint mark on her chest as it begins to burn her. Rainer delivers her to Trick and the men argue over curses and chaos while Bo babbles about her father the horse-beast needing her, his dark queen. She decides that the time has finally come for her grandfather to tell her what he really knows about her blood.
Newly origin seeded Massimo has brought his prisoner Lauren along for some grave digging excitement. She doesn't let a little thing like being tied to a fence stop her from heckling the druid about his freshly augmented insanity from the Una Mens' power and suggesting he is a disappointment to his mother. Lauren's genius plan to aggravate the increasingly maniacal and powerful man backfires slightly when Massimo realizes what would really make Evony proud is Bo's head on a platter.
At the Dal Trick serves up drinks and truths, explaining that he was forced to hand his succubus daughter to the dark fae and that she had his light blood that allows her to drain life for sustenance. He explains that what Bo's fathers blood brings to the mix is the ability control people and to drain multiple victims at once but also to give chi back to people and restore them. Trick is concerned that this blood will allow Bo's father to escape and that it may be misused to control armies of the enslaved. Before they can dwell on this Massimo crashes the party. I guess the new husband and grandfather of the bride fighting wasn't enough conflict for one party. He tells Bo he has Lauren captive but that what he really wants is a dead succubus. In the ensuing fight Trick works out that Massimo has eaten the origin seed, Bo is beaten down and Rainer's neck is snapped. It seems fae celebrities have marriages as short-lived as human ones.
Kenzi and Dyson make a trip to dark fae HQ to look for Lauren's research but encounter instead a newly human Evony. She too is searching for the doctor with hopes of restoring her powers. I assume at least a small part of her feels that a romp with Lauren may have been worth sacrificing at least a little of her fae mojo.
Bo awakes at home to a guardian valkyrie who interrupts her pity party with some impressively tough love. Upon being instructed to grow a pair, Bo sucks some of Tamsin's chi and declares that she tastes happier than usual. The valkyrie awkwardly suggests she has no time for grieving just yet without mentioning her likely immense relief at Rainer's demise. As Bo stresses about Massimo being unkillable Tamsin relishes the thought of testing that theory in as many ways as possible.
Dyson and Kenzi's arrival interrupts the bonding over impending druid torture and Bo and Kenzi share some awkward former-BFF hellos. Fortunately Tamsin and Kenzi are still friends and the valkyrie encourages Kenzi to forgive Bo. She also positively gushes over her renewed opportunity to take Rainer's soul to Valhalla as she should have all those years ago and possibly regain her own entry. Kenzi reads some Norwegian prophecy that Tamsin translates, determining that to close the portal of pyrippis Bo may have to rip out her own heart. They agree that this should stay on a need-to-know basis within their no-succubi-allowed club for the moment lest Bo attempt some self-surgery.
Over in Bo's bedroom she explains to Dyson that no fire-breathing father is going to get in the way of her Lauren rescue mission. Bo rips up her contract with the dark fae in a dramatic but likely not legally legitimate gesture and Dyson explains that he has finally found what he should be fighting for. He swears fealty to Bo as his queen and states that he wants to be by her side forever and throws in an 'I love you' for good measure. Tamsin interrupts with some portal talk and succuwolf head off to the pony cult to investigate, apparently having forgotten that at the beginning of this scene they decided doctor rescue would be priority one.
Upon reaching the portal Bo and Dyson find three revenants emerging and Bo rapidly chi-sucks them all. This turns her to full boss mode and with synthesized voices Bo declares herself queen and states that humans and fae will bow before her and break under the power of the pyrippis. Being an attentive fellow, Dyson notes that this is not usual Bo-speak and decides kissing her is the solution. There's clearly a reason the many princes charming persist with this move as it brings back the brown-eyed Bo for some sass and a revenant beatdown.
It's apparently time for a little light-dark leader pow wow as Evony and Trick trade vague insults. Evony gets her pun on while declaring them all doomed to enslavement. After turning down some tipsy Morrigan advances Trick comes up with an as yet unrevealed plan and the pair set out to do whatever it is that will save the day.
In horse worship land Bo explains that she feels more powerful than ever and suspects this is due to her father's proximity. She instructs Dyson to take Tamsin to the front line of revenant fighting and keep them below ground while she saves her girl. The battle-ready valkyrie and everyone's favorite human arrive as Bo puts on the necklace she found at Lauren's apartment earlier in the season. I do not tear up when Kenzi hugs Bo and hands her a sword to wish her well. There was just something in my eye. And I cut up some onion earlier.
In Massimo's lair Lauren is again chained up while being talked at by a crazy druid. He explains that he now has Rainer's power of foresight and the doctor is not thrilled by his new skills nor the tension they have put on his tenuous link to sanity. Bo enters and Massimo monologues about his powers and proceeds to knock the succubus down with Hale's siren song. Falling to the ground near Lauren offers an opportunity for some mid-battle flirting, because there is always time to flirt with Lauren, where the doctor reveals she is minutes away from freeing herself from her cuffs. I'm loving how leveled up Lauren is this season.
The fight starts to look like it might go to the newly powerful druid until Evony enters and immediately finds herself with a knife to the throat courtesy of the again unaligned succubus. Massimo is apparently not a fan of yo mama jokes and seems to take this quite personally.
His threats are met with Bo tasting Evony's chi and then turning the tables so that Massimo uses the Una Mens trick of matching powers used against them. As he sucks the life force out of his own mother Bo explains that what makes her different is that she has learned to control her power thanks to time and her friends, both of which Massimo lacks. When Evony falls to the ground dead Massimo allows Bo to suck his chi in order to revive her and the newly freed Lauren crushes his life-giving Twig of Zamora. Bo lists Massimo's many crimes against her as she beats on the druid before stabbing him through the chest. Having finally gotten vengeance for her friends she breaks down in Lauren's arms.
Another couple who love a bit of near-death banter are Tamsin and Dyson as they battle legions of the undead. Dyson becomes melancholy about their chances but Trick joins the fight and asks where Kenzi is. The human enters and states that they need to close the portal and that she has worked out what destiny requires. Bo's heart must be sacrificed to end the onslaught of hell on earth and Kenzi is that heart.
Outside Massimo's place Lauren and Bo have a much needed talk. Amidst some sweet love talk Bo warns Lauren that the fae will be gunning for her now that she can turn them human. New tough gal Lauren is unconcerned but says that she will stay and ensure Evony recovers given her newfound frailty. Bo makes to leave before turning back and kissing Lauren with all the feels. The doctor is once again left staring after her succubus as she heads into battle.
At the revenant party Kenzi explains to Dyson that she must sacrifice herself for Bo. She trusts Tamsin to take her soul to Valhalla along with Rainer's and there she will wait. With a small smile of acceptance Kenzi makes her way through the chaos and into the portal of concentrated energy. Bo arrives back on the scene just in time to see her about to enter and is held back by Dyson as her bestie walks into the portal, which flares up before going dark as the revenants all return to the regular quiet kind of dead.
It is every bit as excruciating as it sounds.
With the portal closed and the fighting over it is Tamsin who runs sobbing to Kenzi's body, as if Bo and Dyson weren't already making me cry enough. She unfurls her impressive wings and collects Kenzi's soul for Valhalla as a teary Bo watches on.
The tragic scene cuts to Tamsin lying at some impressive snowy gates, presumably Valhalla, when Dyson arrives and wakes her. She tells him that Kenzi is gone and implores him not to let Bo find the second hell shoe. Remember the hell shoes you guys? Dyson heroically carries Tamsin out as the gates morph into a graffiti covered alley.
We catch up with Bo as she visits Kenzi's grave and provides a voiceover update. Rainer was buried near his old battlefield with those who died for him. No, I didn't care very much either. Bo laments her many losses as she reaches her best friend's grave and states that she must be strong before speaking out loud to the headstone about how she misses Kenzi. She declares that nobody else will die and she will get Kenzi back. Bo tells the grave and anybody lurking in the cemetery that she is no longer afraid, it is the mysterious 'they' who should be afraid of this mourning, pissed off succubus. I certainly wouldn't be messing with her but I'm also not widely known for my attempts to bring about the apocalypse either.
How did everyone enjoy this season? It's certainly been a ride! I kind of want to be mad that the Rainer situation amounted to so little but I also find myself pleased that it didn't drag on for any longer. If Bo keeps acquiring additional love interests I'll have to pull out my high school geometry just to work out what shape her love triangle has become. It almost goes without saying that Ksenia Solo BROUGHT IT this season. From dancing to dying she was perfect and broke my heart again and again. I'm curious to see what happens next season and hoping we don't have to be without Kenzi for long. Does anyone think we will one day see Bo's father? Thanks for coming on this adventure in fae with me!