Lost Girl Recap 4.12: Prophecies, Parentage and a Pyrippus
Lost Girl Recap 4.12: Prophecies, Parentage and a Pyrippus

Lost Girls 4th season is nearing an end! What are we going to do?
February 17 2014 1:25 PM EST
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Lost Girl Recap 4.12: Prophecies, Parentage and a Pyrippus
Hi everyone, How did we all enjoy this penultimate episode of season four of Lost Girl? As much as I enjoy using words like penultimate? There was so much going on this week, from parental revelations to prophecies galore, that my head is still spinning!
Although my tears have only just dried from a fortnight ago they are refreshed by “Origin” opening with Hale's funeral. Dyson gives a sweet eulogy and announces that they are now beginning the day of silence to mourn him. This is apparently a purely symbolic day as nobody is silent at all during this day. Kenzi and Bo share a moment where Bo promises to be there for her bestie for anything she needs. As expected, they are immediately interrupted by the appearance of a lady knight from the Order of Rainer pledging fealty to Bo.
Our new knight friend has little regard for mourning and insists that prophecy states the pyrippus will rise following the death of the Una Mens. Apparently the dragon-pegasus will be gunning (or at least breathing the fire) for Bo when he comes. She offers Bo a charming necklace but the succubus has no time for ancient prophecies or hellbeasts when Kenzi is sad. This stance is sure to last at least a few minutes.
Bo follows Kenzi to the back room of The Dal where she promises that Massimo will pay. While I agree he deserves all the pain I must admit some concerns about a Bo revenge plan. I'm sure this one will go swimmingly though as Bo is certainly renowned for making good choices.
Conveniently, Massimo is chilling in the former Una Mens dungeon. He has his own piece of prophecy to share – namely that Rainer will die seven days after he rises unless his curse is broken. Remember Rainer you guys? That dude who is apparently Bo's destiny but has been her absentee, battlefield attending destiny of late? Massimo chooses not to elaborate but instead to taunt Kenzi about Hale until Dyson gets all hands-on and the druid is inspired to whisper (presumably) sweet nothings in his ear. Dyson declares that the murder party will have to wait as they have to take Massimo to see Trick first. Kenzi is understandably disappointed by her friends' failure to do murder for her and accuses both Bo and Dyson of betraying her. Bo implores her to trust Dyson but this heartbroken human is not feeling it as she storms out armed with the druid's sword still bearing Hale's blood.
In some form of dark library Lauren is reading up on the competition when the book starts literally writing information about Rainer in front of her eyes. The book states that Rainer will betray the fae and wreak torment beyond belief. Before Lauren can fully process this information Evony enters the library explaining to an unseen figure that the world would be a better place if it contained one less succubus. The doctor grabs some books and scurries unnoticed before Trick emerges and states that killing his own granddaughter is not high on his to do list. The two do agree that they must do something about Rainer and decide to put their different hues aside to face the current threat.
Back at the Dal it seems that Bo's wayward wanderer has returned and she brings up his potential impending doom. Her new knight friend Rosette, who could have wandered in straight from the set of Legend of the Seeker (after flying across the world from New Zealand) enters and Rainer is thrilled. Rosette seems unconcerned by the curse situation and Tamsin helpfully reads the curse manual again while Bo interprets it. It's like everybody's prophecy news alerts went off at once this week. Basically if Rainer's eternal train commute curse was ever to be broken a secondary, earthly curse would be initiated to ensure he died in seven days. Tamsin again helps us out by stating that he has been back for six fun-filled days now. The curse also states that only through the blood of Rainer's enemy would the curse be broken and Bo reiterates that she herself shares the blood of his nemesis Trick. Somehow this means that they can find the pyrippus and work out who is messing with Rainer. I'm not entirely clear on how this works you guys but let's just go with it.
The team work out that they need a symbol shared between Bo and Rainer to break the curse and Bo comes up with the oft-seen wanderer tarot card. When Kenzi held the card previously it revealed itself as a ticket by catching fire. This time Bo takes a more direct approach, lighting the card with a match and blowing it out to reveal the Roman numerals MMXV – 2015.
As the trio discuss the possible meanings of the number they are joined by Lauren and her fun reading material looking for some alone time with Bo. She shows Bo a book with ink still wet from the rewriting of history. The book contains a picture captioned “The Wanderer” showing a hairy, beast-like creature and not the lightly bearded man of destiny in the next room. Remember when I totally called this as a Beauty and the Beast situation back on the train? I'm just saying.
This freshly renewed prophecy text mentions the warrior being set free, a valkyrie's rebirth and Zamoran blood letting which all sounds a little too familiar to Lauren. A little less clear is its reference to women of the horse rising but it's again touching close to home when it states that between the warrior and the queen one shall die. Bo starts accusing Lauren of trying to get back at her for choosing Rainer. This leads the doctor to reveal that she stayed with the dark to help Bo but could not reveal this lest The Morrigan find out. These two ruin my day yet again as Lauren reiterates that everything she does is for Bo and Bo reminds us again that Lauren broke her heart. A moment of intense staring and shuffling towards each other is broken by Rainer who erroneously believes his impending death by curse more important than Bo and Lauren's drama.
Evony arrives home to find a lingerie-clad Lauren waiting in her bed with two glasses of champagne, apparently moving on from Bo's rejection. The doctor informs her leader in darkness that she wants to celebrate her decision to join the dark officially. The Morrigan is understandably dubious about this sudden change of heart and Lauren gives a nice speech about the dark letting her come into her own. Evony takes longer than any reasonable woman should with a near-naked Lauren in their bed but eventually comes around, declaring humans difficult to understand but fun to play with.
Bo, Rainer and Rosette have meanwhile located a spiritual center with a horse motif as their logo. The woman who greets them informs Bo that the horse symbol is great and all powerful but also that if Bo gets her hands on something she shouldn't that her blood will destroy him. Despite this incredibly vague warning the zealot does eventually reveal that the pyrippus is in fact Bo's father. I'm am I the only one confused by how a fire-breathing horse creature is Bo's father? She is quite clearly bipedal and I've never noticed her breathing fire.
Back in the land of things that make me cry, Kenzi is spending some time with Massimo's bloody sword and a picture of herself and Hale. Vex arrives suggesting some sorrow drowning but Kenzi is only interested in help with her revenge plan. He puts up an unconvincing argument before agreeing to help and after a little more resistance accepts that the human will be joining him to deliver the death blow herself.
Bo and Rainer brainstorm her mysterious father situation and vaguely discuss the nature of evil. Rosette continues her streak of revealing relevant information in small portions by mentioning that the prophecy states that Bo's relationship with Rainer will release her father from his prison. Bo is torn knowing that saving Rainer's life means risking releasing a man (or devil horse-beast, I'm really confused about this you guys) of great evil.
Vex and Kenzi visit Massimo in his subterranean prison and the druid discusses the joys of burning alive with his life-saving Twig of Zamora. Vex prevents Kenzi from delivering a blow revealing that Massimo was his pet, raised by the mesmer with his blood oath of protection. Vex refuses to allow Massimo to hurt Kenzi either, instead releasing him back into the world. Everyone seems pretty unhappy with how the whole mission turned out.
Over in dark headquarters The Morrigan is definitely enjoying her decision to make time with Lauren until after a little pillow talk she begins to feel strange. Lauren reveals she has transformed her into a human using a formula created from Evony's own DNA and delivered via sex. The former fae threatens to become Bo's new human and earns herself a punch from the good doctor. Lauren collects a drop of blood as it falls from Evony's nose and uses an app that magically smears and stains the sample instantaneously to examine it. She states with a heartfelt shrug that this is a new thing she's trying and while it may work perfectly there is also a chance that it will simply kill Evony within the hour. Evony reaches for her bag while contemplating how she ended up with perhaps the worst STD ever.
At the Dal, Bo has met up with Dyson to discuss their choices as she realizes they completely abandoned Kenzi with her grief. Tamsin interrupts their moment with Trick's good liquor and Dyson opens his copy of the Zamoran family code that Hale gave him. The code contains a cheesy poem that once read transforms its final lines into a message about reuniting with the queen. Bo recognizes the attached crest as one denoting loyalty amongst the knights of Rainer to their queen. Tamsin uses her valkyrie historical knowledge to explain that it means not just their queen but “The Queen”. Dyson joins in cryptic reveal hour by adding that this means Bo is “the one.” I think we're all pleased with just how clear this has made absolutely nothing.
Vex joins his rebellious pet druid in his Una Mens lair imploring Massimo to leave town with him and lamenting his inability to be both mother and father to him. Massimo reluctantly agrees until his phone rings and he instead responds to Evony's summons. She is underwhelmed by everything the druid has done for her and he demands that she stop and also refers to her as mother. Lauren has arrived in response to his false text from Bo and is alarmed by this newest reveal in a day that has been fraught with shocking parentage discoveries.
Bo and team Rainer sneak into a women of the horse event complete with a pyrippus mural, double bass performance and more horse statues than a 12-year-old girl's bedroom. She informs the fanatics that she is finally embracing her destiny and when they look uneasy at her touching a specific statue she decides this must be the item she is not supposed to find. Rosette impales the lead zealot while Bo and Rainer discover a piece of woven rope under the statue's saddle. The dying woman refers to it as a “hand fastening” and Bo fears this means she and Rainer are supposed to be wed.
Upon returning home Bo finds Kenzi feeling a little deserted while reading some prophecy of her own. This book mentions basically the whole team except for Kenzi herself and she asks Bo to unclaim her. The succubus resists but Kenzi tearfully repeats her request and Bo grants it. Rosette seeks Bo's attention but she simply writes a post-it note to be passed on to Rainer.
Massimo and Lauren are spending some time together in the dungeon with the druid planning ways to gain his mother's approval and Lauren crying in fear. He reveals that he is the one who possesses the origin seed, reiterating that it will endow its user with ultimate power before eating it and beginning a mildly computer-generated transformation.
Rainer and Rosette are waiting by a campfire in the woods as it seems Bo's note instructed. She joins them and promises to bind herself to Rainer but declares that it is about the welfare of her family rather than love. Rosette places the rope over their joined hands and speaks some latin at it. The knight then begins laughing maniacally before again spouting some prophecy with the addition of “they will release the lord of darkness” which is not exactly what Bo had in mind.
The dark lord is apparently to rise from Hel, the mirror of Valhalla (with spelling helpfully explained by Rainer) and as Rosette prepares for the everlasting life she was promised she is instead compelled by an unseen force to throw herself into the fire. I've been to some bad weddings but the celebrant throwing themselves into a fire is new even to me. Bo asks Rainer what they have done and the episode closes on a bright light bursting from a stone altar-like pyramid as its entrance bursts open.
Who's looking forward to the season finale? Is anybody else wondering what kind of bestiality Aife was into for the pyrippus to be Bo's father? Just me then? Oh well, either way I'm excited!