Lost Girl Recap 4.11 - Dead and Deader
Lost Girl Recap 4.11 - Dead and Deader

Get ready for some succubus shenanigans!
February 05 2014 7:58 PM EST
December 09 2022 9:12 AM EST
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Lost Girl Recap 4.11 - Dead and Deader
Hey you guys, If you haven't watched this yet you're in for a totally fun romp in the usual Lost Girl world of succubus shenanigans. I'm so excited to share the joy with you that I just can't wait to talk about this episode, “End of a Line.” If you've already seen or heard about it than you're probably as drunk as I am just to keep going and we can group hug about it in just a few minutes.
After a week off Tamsin has returned to the apartment of now predominantly dark fae and is planning some quality horror movie time with Kenzi. Before they can get into zombie night Kenzi gets her rant on about Bo's abandonment of their sacred alliance. The succubus in question enters mid-outburst and promises that they will always be Bo and Kenzi. We know she means it because she quotes Jerry Maguire as only a best friend can.
Bo heads downstairs on a snack run and encounters a zombie with the same plan. It seems Bo should have spent a little more time on Kenzi's undead movie collection than yelling “show me the money” because in a rookie error she stabs him in the chest. The zombie is nonplussed and continues towards her brains when an unseen figure decapitates him. As zombie's head slides to the ground Acacia, Tamsin's old valkyrie mentor Acacia introduces herself to Bo.
Tamsin mirrors my emotions about Acacia's return – was she not dead last we heard? It seems sometimes a hand in a box is just a hand in a box as Acacia was alive and kicking, just not juggling until Massimo re-attached her hand. This season's hand re-attachment tally will start to rival it's memory-recovery numbers at this rate. Just kidding, there aren't enough hands in Canada for that.
It turns out that Rainer's crows performed the amputation when Acacia failed to make Tamsin deliver Bo promptly enough last season. She seems only mildly surprised to learn that Bo and Rainer are now going steady and hastily makes to excuse herself, explaining that she was just there for the revenant which is a fancy word for zombie fae. Also the French title of the best show I read last year.
Tamsin inspects the revenant's clothing and finds The Wanderer card. She thinks Rainer is behind the dead raising but Bo insists he's just gone to the battlefields to pay respects to the dead. The valkyries remain unconvinced and remind Bo that really she knows nothing about Rainer. Her assurances that he is just a good guy bring comfort to nobody and the team set out to find out who is really raising the dead.
Trick is spending some quality time with his whiskey flask and a picture of a dragon-pegasus beast when Vex drops in. He recounts some peace-bringing history of Trick's and the blood king explains that Rainer was a constant thorn in his side. He laments the drastic blood journaling measures he took against this defiant challenger while real evil is still a thing. Trick mentions the garuda and this creature in his drawing, called a pyrippus, as examples of actual darkness. He and Vex then take a nice trip down memory lane, as Trick shares his respect for Papa Mesmer who Vex never got along with. If anyone had 'daddy issues' in Vex emotional trauma bingo you can cross that one off right now.
Over at Bo and Kenzi's house of zombie killing, Kenzi has just finished cleaning up the twice dead fae mess and is waiting for her high-pitched beau to arrive. She is more than a little surprised to find not Hale, but her cousin Dimitri and mother at the door. Hale arrives just as the family are having an awkward reunion and proudly declares that he was the one who invited them.
When it comes to hunting zombie summoners it seems the place to go is a rundown part of town that resembles a refugee camp or District 9 but with more fae and less aliens. Bo, Tamsin and Acacia are almost instantly welcomed by a revenant and as Bo knifes up she is intercepted by Dyson who hates to miss out on an accusing-the-ex's-new-man-of-evil-deeds party. They split into pairs, with Bo and Acacia teaming up to bicker at each other and catch up with the valkyries' old revenant-raising friend Harvey. Acacia presents the original revenant's head and Bo works her sleazy magic to persuade him into cooperation.
I must admit I didn't immediately assume that Harvey's method of gaining intel would be gross and I feel incredibly naïve for that. Because how else would he learn about the undead than by pouring the juice from the head into a shot glass and sipping? Sometimes it's like I don't know anything about anything. He helpfully informs that this is the only way to gain dominion over a revenant or to find out who does. After critiquing the tannins in the blood he reveals that this revenant is “hers” – gesturing at Acacia and inciting a cat fight between her and Bo. While he starts in with some amateur film making, the valkyrie claims she killed the man but had no part in his return.
The other half of the revenant investigation team, Tamsin and Dyson, are finally spending some quality time together when they come across a crazy man raving about a woman who is both dead and alive and can control the dead. Tamsin makes her way to Harvey's to find Acacia and Bo in the midst of the lamest fight ever. Are these two not bother warriors? When did they decide hair-pulling was their favorite form of martial arts?
Kenzi's mother comes to talk to her daughter and the most important thing about this scene is that her full name is Mackenzie. Also the incredibly sad story of how she was forced onto the streets by her mother's boyfriend. Mama Kenzi finally kicked him to the curb around six months ago and was super excited by Hale informing her of Kenzi's location.
It's valkyrie bonding time and Tamsin reluctantly admits that it was her that gave Rainer's soul to Trick, rendering him The Wanderer. Acacia realizes that the revenants must be after Tamsin and her close friend-ish relationship with his new squeeze is unlikely to save her. The group find a voodoo priestess named Laveau who with very minimal denial reveals that she is behind the attacks. She says Bo has what she needs – the seed containing the powers of the Una Mens. Laveau states that she needs the power to defeat the pyrippus, which is apparently on its way.
The Mackenzie family dinner is going swimmingly, with Kenzi dressed in a little floral and demonstrating her mad Russian cooking skills. It looks like Mama Kenz is going to make things beyond awkward for this new couple when she points out what a great wife her daughter will be to Hale until the siren drops to one knee and pulls out a ring. His speech is every bit as sweet and cute as you could imagine because everything about this couple is sweet and cute. I really hope nothing bad ever happens to them and I'm sure they will be fine because that is how television works. Right?
Before Kenzi can answer her cousin takes a phone call from the supposedly gone stepfather. It seems Hale agreed to loan him some startup money. All of these facts are too much for the possible bride-to-be and she orders her family and Hale out of the house. Kenzi's mother attempts to explain herself but instead gets a moving speech from her daughter, who calls her a coward rather than a victim before finally ushering her out.
It seems you just can't trust anybody in places that look like war torn fae refugee camps. When team Bo presents Laveau to Harvey he immediately complains that their “boys” didn't deliver and the pair begin making out. The aforementioned boys begin banging down the windows and when Harvey compliments Laveau on keeping her looks beyond the grave Bo realizes that she is the head revenant and collects a head of her own. With a look of disgust Bo reiterates Harvey's comment about how to gain dominion over a revenant and takes a big drink of voodoo neck blood. She gets her blue eyes on and commands all the groaning zombies to find peace and they all obediently return to a more conventional level of deceased.
After a long day of revenant hunting, Dyson sits down to a drink at the Dal and Bo interrupts to talk about feelings. He explains that he doesn't trust Rainer and will not be able to help Bo if he turns out to be the villain. She admits that she is no longer in love with Dyson because not everyone gets to choose their own path and leaves him to his liquor.
While all this revenant hunting and family reuniting has been occurring Vex and Trick have been downstairs at The Dal drinking. I love how at least one subplot in most episodes of this season have been about secondary characters drinking. As Trick finishes telling Vex of his father's heroics the mesmer notices books on the shelves growing in front of their eyes. It turns out that when a man returns after being written out of history he literally gets written back in. Vex makes to leave and Trick calls him on his likely involvement in the thievery of the final Una Mens seed. He appeals to Vex's softer side, claiming that he sees good in him but Vex suspects that's just hard liquor goggles.
In the time that Bo and Dyson got back to the bar the valkyries have just been wandering downtown slumland. Tamsin claims that Acacia only came by to get the team on her side for some eventual Rainer murder, which is really not her way these days. Before the old buds part ways Acacia warns that Massimo is both a whole lot more alive than last time we checked and planning something big.
Tamsin returns to Bo's place where the succubus, unprompted by Tamsin, defends her choice to be with Rainer. Before Tamsin can get a word in a book opens and neatly reinserts a picture of Rainer in its contents. To Bo's surprise Tamsin has never seen this hottie – he is not The Wanderer who hired her.
An open shirted Hale sits on Kenzi's bed considering his wrongs when the lady in question enters and asks for a slow down. Shortly thereafter she literally screams into the living room wearing just a sweater and the engagement ring to show Bo. She still hasn't said yes but has a definite yet at the end of that thought so Bo heads out for celebratory wine and candy.
Tamsin enters The Dal to find Dyson with his sorrows at least treading water if not well and truly drowned. She reminisces about their first meeting before literally climbing on board the wolf train and silencing his protestations of drunkenness.
Kenzi is doing a pantsless fridge run and I have to say this has been a stellar episode for Ksenia Solo's legs.
It seems the resurrected Massimo thinks so too except he expresses that feeling more by suggesting she die. He's got a real chip on his shoulder over that whole thing where he died and it hurts so much when he starts kicking her on the ground. Thankfully Hale steps in and performs a beat down of his own. With Massimo on the ground Hale approaches Kenzi and her face turns to a look of pure horror. The druid stabs Hale through the chest and holds up the twig from Hale's clan that grants immortality and has now saved his life twice.
Kenzi crouches over Hale as he breathes his last “I love you” and she calls aimlessly for help. I can't even with this scene you guys. There is so much sad here that I feel like I'm at a Stark family gathering. When Bo returns looking to party she finds Kenzi still lying over Hale's lifeless body. Kenzi states that this is her fault for giving Massimo the twig. She begs Bo to do her chi-sucking trick and Bo refuses to take enough of Kenzi's life force to save Hale as it would kill her and she will always choose Kenzi. The succubus is forced to use her powers to subdue the distraught Kenzi and the two of them breakdown over Hale's body. This is all too much.
I don't even know what to say about this episode. There were zombies and Linda Hamilton but all I've got is dead Hale and broken Kenzi. If Rainer truly did cause this I really hope some sort of mega-pyrippus-garuda-decepticon hybrid is brought forth to end him. That seems like something that might happen when the show returns right?