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Yes PLEASE to Androgynous Models, Skateboards, and Unisex Lingerie

Yes PLEASE to Androgynous Models Including Rain Dove, Skateboards, and Unisex Lingerie

Yes PLEASE to Androgynous Models Including Rain Dove, Skateboards, and Unisex Lingerie

Play Out walks the runway their way!

Cool tomboys in unisex lingerie killing the runway on skateboards? That's our kind of fashion show! Abby Sugar and Sylvie Lardeux, the designers behind Play Out unisex underwear, debuted their line using the sexiest, coolest, tomboy-est thing imaginable. 'Play out' partnered with All Girl Skate Jam, "the first and original skateboard brand for girls." The show kicked off with badass chicks taking the runway, trading their heels for wheels.  Here are some highlights from the show. 




All Photos Courtesy of Gustavo Villar

Then the runway models took the stage. Play Out is a brand that is unisex underwear, they boast that men and women and those identifying along the spectrum can feel comfortable in every single pair. 



Rain Dove, a Model who has walked as both male and female in the industry, seen here walking with Play Out. She tells WTD!, "Play Out is about the person who's wearing it, feeling comfortable, confident, and fun. It's sexy, and sex doesn't have to be this serious thing. It can just be fun." 





All Photos Courtesy of Gustavo Villar



We congratulate Play Out on a fun presentation that's as diverse as the company seems to be. Be sure to visit their website and check out the offerings for yourself. What do you think of the fashion show? Let us know in the comments below. 

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Lianna Carrera