A photo of a popular gay tattoo with a very NSFW meaning is currently going viral on social media, and the straights are melting down because they’re out of the loop.
Yesterday, someone on social media reposted a photo of a black double armband tattoo that was captioned “the gayest tattoo ever,” and it’s been going viral ever since.
The photo, which has more than 63 million views and climbing, was reposted on X (formerly Twitter) by @slmxny, who wrote, “[T]he day I found out what this shit meant like oh yall get downnnn.”
Gay men in the comments posted pics of their own armband tattoos, but it was clear that the straight community has no idea what the tattoo actually means because they are begging for someone to explain it to them in the comments.
For those not in the know, the tattoo, which looks like a simple black band wrapped around the arm, is a signifier to other gay men that you like fisting and just how far you can go. According to queer fetish magazine Mister B Wings, “a gay man (whether they be the fist-er or the fist-ee) would get a tattoo of how far up his asshole he could give or take an arm and a fist.”
There is some argument online about whether this is just a myth and gay men are actually getting the tattoo for purely aesthetic reasons, with some people saying that gay men get this tattoo to represent the equal sign for LGBTQ+ equality. People in the comments also pointed out that people sometimes get them to signify the loss of a loved one as well.
But considering how many people posted photos of their own tattoos or commented that they knew the meaning, it does seem to be the reason some people get the discreet but very NSFW tattoo.
Luckily for all of the confused straight people loitering in the comment section, someone finally took pity on them and laid it out, “for y’all who dont know it is how far you fisted someone.”
Keep scrolling to see the funniest reactions to this very gay viral tattoo!
"so do you mark it with a sharpie and go to the tattoo parlor immediately or just mental note where it was at like post event and go a few days later?"
"okay but like why would the fister get all the credit when the fistee is the one doing the work?"
"Lmao imagine being a gent who just likes things and you get this tatttoo not knowing what it’s about. Then you find out later"
"Ay chill my aunt got this same tat on her shoulder. wtf it means?"
"for those who dont know its showing how far you can reach down for the last pringle"
"I didn't want to know. Why I I go through the comments? WHYYYYYY?"
"Every time I see someone with this tattoo I think 'I know what you are… but do you?'"
"this isn’t a type of tribal tattoo ?? my gay work bestie has these and he’s Filipino YALL THIS AINT CULTURAL?! Omg"
"Some knowledge is a blessing, some… is just shocking"
"This is why you gotta research before getting inked"
"For real? ..and I'm thinking it's the best simple tatt to get"
"It's only worth tattooing your record if you make it to elbow deep or more"
"95% of the guys who get this tattoo don even know what it means, they just think it’s “sigma” and “goes hard” even though they aren’t unique at all and most gym bro chad type guys get this tattoo"
"Nah yall gotta be joking right?"
"Didn’t expect to learn something new today, but here we are"
"okay real ones will know this from teen wolf even the Gay community they know whats up"
"who knew a tattoo could say so much without words"
"Oh I was thinking of getting just a band like that, now I have to research it first and cancel the idea"