After concluding the beloved animated series earlier this year, Rebecca Sugar has whipped out her pen once again for an anti-racism PSA featuring Garnet of Steven Universe!
Titled "Don't Deny It, Defy It," the first of four PSAs begins with two boys holding hands on a playground. When one of them suggests they get married when they're older, a bully jumps between them, taunting them with "Black people can't marry white people."
Garnet promptly jumps in, wagging her finger at them to leave the racism off the playground. While it's adorable that they normalize a same-gender romance by acting like it's 100% normal (which it is), here's where this PSA gets interesting.
It's then revealed that they're all just actors on a set. "This is the cheesiest job I've ever done," says one of the skeptical kids. "Stuff like this doesn't actually happen in real life."
Garnet corrects him. "Just because this has never happened to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen."
"You got to realize it hurts to deal with racism," the Black kid agrees. "And when people act like it's not real, it makes it feel even worse."
The leader we deserve, Garnet gives us the final lesson of the PSA on a silver platter. "You have to acknowledge racism to work against it."
And of course, Sugar sneaks in another joke before the clip's end that you'll have to see for yourself!
Watch the clip below!