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This Hilarious PSA Shows Why Bros Should Stop Calling Things 'Gay'

This Hilarious PSA Shows Why Bros Should Stop Calling Things 'Gay'

This Hilarious PSA Shows Why Bros Should Stop Calling Things 'Gay'

"If it's not gay, it's not gay."


Rainbow Youth, a New Zealand non-profit supporting young queer and gender diverse people, has released their first national ad campaign tackling the flippant use of the word gay. 

When a farmer drops his pie on the ground and dubs the situation "gay," his consort decides to step in. "Actually, Nigel, that’s not gay at all. It’s deeply disappointing, but it’s not gay."

Nigel looks dumbfounded, and his buddy adds, "Look bro, unless that pie is a man who loves another man, then it's not gay."

Piling on even more embarrassment, Nigel then learns a nearby coworker actually is gay then awkwardly realizes his faux pas. 

"If it's not gay, it's not gay," the ad concludes.

Rainbow Youth created the comical PSA to educate people on everyday discrimination. "We chose to address something small that contributes to much larger issues—homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia."

Watch the hilarious commercial below.

Gay Days Anaheim 2024Out / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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Taylor Henderson

Taylor Henderson is a contributor. This proud Texas Bama studied Media Production/Studies and Sociology at The University of Texas at Austin, where he developed his passions for pop culture, writing, and videography. He's absolutely obsessed with Beyoncé, mangoes, and cheesy YA novels that allow him to vicariously experience the teen years he spent in the closet. He's also writing one! 

Taylor Henderson is a contributor. This proud Texas Bama studied Media Production/Studies and Sociology at The University of Texas at Austin, where he developed his passions for pop culture, writing, and videography. He's absolutely obsessed with Beyoncé, mangoes, and cheesy YA novels that allow him to vicariously experience the teen years he spent in the closet. He's also writing one!