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Customers Call Out a Transphobic Saleswoman on ABC's What Would You Do?

Customers Call Out a Transphobic Saleswoman on ABC's 'What Would You Do?'

Customers Call Out a Transphobic Saleswoman on ABC's 'What Would You Do?'

Faith in humanity is restored!


It’s no surprise to anyone that transgender people get harassed simply for existing. The question then becomes, what would you do when you see a transgender person being harassed?

That was exactly the premise on a recent episode of ABC's hidden camera show, What Would You Do?

The show creates socially charged situations to see how unsuspecting bystanders respond.

In the episode, a transgender woman is shopping at a women’s clothing boutique in Ramsay, New Jersey. An actress, posing as a clerk, consistently engages in various forms of transphobia, not only purposely misgendering the transgender customer (also an actress), but also calling her “a drag queen or a transvestite or something, right?” The store clerk also keeps telling the transwoman to be careful with the clothing because it’s made for women, and she’s afraid that the transwoman will rip it.

Luckily, the other customers in the store did not stand idly by when they overheard the store clerk saying transphobic remarks. They swiftly stood up to the saleswoman, calling her out on her transphobia, and also comforted the trans customer.  

One woman said, “That’s not what this town or what this store is about!” Another woman told the clerk point-blank, “You need to stop.” God knows we all could use a little restoration in our faith in humanity right now... 

Watch the full What Would You Do? clip with everyone’s responses below!

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Zachary Zane

Zachary Zane is a writer, YouTube influencer, and activist whose work focuses on (bi)sexuality, gender, dating, relationships, and identity politics. Check out his YouTube channel here.

Zachary Zane is a writer, YouTube influencer, and activist whose work focuses on (bi)sexuality, gender, dating, relationships, and identity politics. Check out his YouTube channel here.