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Dylan Mulvaney weighs in after 'transvestigators' claim she must have been born female

Dylan Mulvaney weighs in after 'transvestigators' claim she must have been born female

Dylan Mulvaney
lev radin/Shutterstock

She really lives rent free in their minds, doesn't she?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and apparently the same can be said about transphobes, who have "transvestigated" so hard that they've now decided Dylan Mulvaney is, in fact, a woman.

"This might be one of the more wild things you see on the internet today," Mulvaney said in a TikTok posted last week.

Her video highlighted a conspiracy theory that suggests she was, in fact, born female before being forced to transition to male as a child, and finally transitioning back to womanhood as an adult.

"'I see soft female clavicles, despite the crazy low body fat, and a female neck on this probable double flipper,'" Mulvaney read. "A double flipper? I sound like a dolphin. I just think we should check on our conspiracy theorist aunts because I do fear they may have lost their own plot."


This was a ride

The original post appears to have been taken from a Facebook group dedicated to "transvestigations," which are ridiculous transphobic attempts to determine whether someone is secretly trans based on their physical features. As Vicepreviously pointed out, these groups have a tendency to accuse every celebrity under the sun of being trans, with their members often coming up with deeply unserious reasoning to back up their claims.

This particular "transvestigation" of Mulvaney actually dates back to May 2023. It has recently been doing the rounds again on social media thanks to those, like the TikTok star herself, who are getting a good laugh out of the absurdity of it.

Per usual, Mulvaney is taking everything in stride, joking, "I am thrilled to be joining the cis community once again, and to have my name cleared."

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Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.