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yuletide gay

Cara Delevingne dressing up like Elton John may be the gayest thing we've seen all year

Is this what they mean by "make the yuletide gay?"

This lesbian version of 'Baby It's Cold Outside' has us giggling & in the Christmas spirit

Woxers, flannel shirts, Zodiac signs, and moving in quickly are all part of the delightfully Sapphic version of this Christmas classic!

10 lesbian holiday movies that'll make your yuletide hella gay (and where to stream them)

Some of these really tug the heart strings...

Jonathan Bennett: The heartthrob making the Yuletide gay again

The gay Mean Girls alumnus and Out digital cover star discusses the new Hallmark Channel reality show, Finding Mr. Christmas, and his legacy as the Gay King of Christmas with the Hallmark Channel.