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violent attack

Nudists in the Castro save tourist from 'crazy pirate' with blowtorch  using mean right hook

Two naked men in the famous gayborhood, save a tourist who was being attacked.

DC Police Police Failed to Report Violent Attack on Lesbians

Seven Washington, D.C., police officers may be fired after refusing to report an attack against a group of lesbians. The incident occurred on July 30 after a man called a group of five women “dyke bitches.” He and another man then proceeded to punch the group of victims in the face and body. The women said the attack occurred after they politely ignored the men as they tried to flirt with them.

Fatal 2012 Attack on Texas Teen Lesbian Couple 'Not A Hate Crime'

David Strickland was arrested in connection to a violent attack on a lesbian couple.

Rally for Trans Woman Brutally Attacked at Maryland McDonalds, Video

A coalition of groups in Maryland will rally Monday evening to denounce the violent attack against a transgender woman at a McDonald’s in Baltimore County that was captured on video last week. According to a news release, Trans-United, TransMaryland, Baltimore County for Equality, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Baltimore and others will gather at 7 p.m. outside the McDonald’s in Rosedale where Chrissy Lee Polis, 22, was attacked last Monday. A video of the violent attack, in which two teenage girls punched and kicked Polis while one restaurant employee and patron tried to intervene and others laughed, has gone viral on the web. Watch the extremely graphic video below, followed by comments from Polis.

Jussie Smollett's Family Speaks Out After His Brutal Assault

"Hateful words lead to hateful actions. Radical love is the only solution."

WATCH: Rachel Maddow Slams U.S. Conservative 'Man Crush' on Antigay Vladimir Putin

Rachel Maddow has a few choice words — and a couple excellent puns — for right-wing American politicos who are falling over themselves to support Russian president Vladimir Putin.

‘Drag Race Holland’s Envy Peru Reveals She Was Assaulted On A Bus

The DRH winner reported four men attacked her in Amsterdam.

Gucci launches queer-inclusive campaign and enrages homophobic fans

Is this still something we're really fighting about?

Halsey Calling Out 'Straight Pride' Reminds Us Why We Love Her So Much

"...when Pride is over, it’s not safe to be gay anymore."

'Empire' Cast Pleads For Jussie Smollett to Stay on the Show

His future with the hit show is up in the air after the controversy earlier this year.

Op-Ed: Remembering Sakia Gunn: the News Coverage and Homophobic Murder

This May 11th sadly marked the 10th anniversary of the murder of Sakia Gunn of Newark, N.J. Her murder is mired, at best, by myths and, at worst, by malicious intent.

WATCH: Orphan Black Teases Us All With Four Amazing New Videos

Orphan Black's return is inching ever closer and we absolutely cannot wait.

Gay in Sochi : 5 Unforgettable Olympic Moments

As we say goodbye to Sochi (but not to our coverage of the anti-LGBT law in Russia), we have a few moments that will undoubtedly stick.

5 Things That Pissed Us Off This Week: Rand Paul Wants to Duel Maddow, 'Rape-Proof' Underwear, and More...

Welcome to SheWired's weekly round-up of the most infuriating bits of news from the past seven days, where we provide a retrospective on the most heinous, crazy-making bits of anti-LGBT news that came across our radar last week. Our hope in doing this isn't only to darken the skies, but also to sound the alarm about the kind of idiocy that passes for "legitimate commentary" these days.

8 Reasons You Have to Tune in to ABC's Powerful LGBT Miniseries 'When We Rise'

ABC's new miniseries about the fight for LGBT rights is powerful, heartbreaking, and a story everyone needs to see right now.

Reeling 29: The Chicago Lesbian and Gay Film Fest, Reviews: 'Our Gender Identities' and 'Across Lesbian Borders'

Reeling 29: The Chicago International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival offered plenty of great screenings of features and shorts. Here are a couple of reviews from the festival.  "Our Gender Identities" had six shorts: Fancois Tessier's The Crossing, Chase Ryan Joynt's Everyday to Stay, Hector Ceballos' Remember Me in Red, I’m Just Anneke, Daniel Trevino’s Amateur and Ewan Duarte’s Spiral TransitionTonette Stanford and Katherine Wilkinson’s documentary "Holding Hands" is shocking, graphic, uncomfortable, and uplifting, one of the best movies I saw at Reeling. "Across Lesbian Borders" had four shorts: Carlos Prado Pamin's Vellas, Rodrigo Diaz Daiaz's After Lunch, Na'ama Landua's Hyacinthus Lullaby and Petra Clever's Lady Pochoir. 

Eden Riegel's Back as Pine Valley's Not-So Suburban Lesbian Mom

All My Children’s Bianca Montgomery has survived giving birth to one child during a hurricane and the other during a tornado. She’s come out on the other side of being shoved off a balcony, coming out in suburban Pine Valley, her wife make out with her brother-in-law in the church where they were married, and most importantly, being Erica Kane’s daughter.

10 Most WTF?! Moments on Orange is the New Black

Five words: I thew my pie for you.

GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index Reveals Hollywood Is Sucking with LGBT Representation

GLAAD's annual report tracked the seven largest motion picture studios during the 2013 calendar year to map the quantity, quality, and diversity of images of LGBT people in films. Find out how each stacked up here.