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Viral tweet leaves people ROASTING the Vatican over bad gay sex

Is this why young people are leaving the church?

Is the Vatican Softening Its Stance on Gay People?

The church should also recognize positive aspects of same-sex relationships, the document says.

Vatican Expands Statute of Limitations in Sex Abuse Cases

The Vatican has expanded the statute of limitations for people seeking to report sexual abuse by a priest amid accusations that the Catholic Church has done little to protect victims of abuse. Officials doubled the statute of limitations in abuse cases to 20 years following the victim's 18th birthday, Vatican sex crimes prosecutor Monsignor Charles Scicluna and spokesman Federico Lombardi announced on Thursday.

"Radical Feminist," Rogue Nuns in U.S. Stand Up To Vatican

After Catholic leaders at The Vatican have condemned American nuns for caring too much about poverty and social justice, and not fighting against abortion or marriage equality rights, a group representing thousands of religious women are considering how to strike back.

Mel Gibson's Father Says the Pope 'Gay' and the Vatican's Full of 'Queers'

In a classic case of the apple doesn't fall from the tree Mel Gibson’s father told listeners of a radio show that the pope is gay and the Roman Catholic Church isn’t fighting marriage equality “because half of the people there in the Vatican are queer.”

The Catholic Church Needs its Gay Priests

The Catholic Church is running damage control. Pope Benedict XVI won't resign and he can't be defrocked. And Catholics worldwide are enraged. The Church now needs a quick out, an easy solution and a fall guy to tamp down our rage and to explain away its decades-long pedophilic problem. Just recently the Vatican's second-highest authority, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, belted out the solution. It's us gays! Of course, linking homosexuality to pedophilia.

Pope Francis clarifies same-sex blessings, takes swing at closed-minded conservatives

He called being conservative a "suicidal attitude" in a rare interview.

Will Pope Address LGBT Concerns at World Meeting of Families?

LGBT 'pilgrims,' representing different types of families, will attend the event next year in Philadelphia and hope for an audience with the pontiff.

Meet the hunky gay designer making all of the pope's religious clothing

He may be making the pope's fits, but he's also the master of the thirst trap!

20 HILARIOUS memes about the pope's gay slur slip that prove Gay Twitter can reclaim ANYTHING

Trust the internet to turn lemons into lemonade by creating the funniest memes you've ever seen!

Obama Torn Between Christian Faith and Concern for Gay and Lesbian Rights

President Obama hosted a 45-minute roundtable with members of the Catholic media at the White House Thursday during which he expressed his ongoing struggle with his Christian faith and "concern for gays and lesbian." 

Op-Ed: It's Time for a Queer-Friendly Pope

Just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his unexpected resignation, a bolt of lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica. "With the pope’s impending resignation, the church has an opportunity to turn away from his oppressive policies toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics, and their families and friends, and develop a new understanding of the ways in which God is at work in the lives of faithful and loving people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity."

Council in Europe Amps Up Combating Violence Against Women

The Council of Europe’s new convention on preventing and combating violence against women has inclusive language covering lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women. The document, approved Wednesday by representatives of the foreign ministers of member states, obligates signatories to “take the necessary legislative and other measures to promote and protect the right for everyone, particularly women, to live free from violence in both the public and the private sphere.” It is to be implemented without discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and numerous other characteristics.

Queer Musician Edmund Bagnell Gives Us Holiday Music (Exclusive)

The uber talented musician has been wowing audiences for years and gives us another gift in time for the holidays

Lindsay Lohan Confirmed for Elizabeth Taylor Role in Lifetime Movie

It's official. Lindsay Lohan will portray iconic movie star-activist Elizabeth Taylor in Liz & Dick, a biography that recalls her fabled love affair and marriage to actor Richard Burton for cable network Lifetime.

Lesbian Teacher, Fired From Catholic School, Invited to White House Reception for Pope

Margie Winters and her wife don't expect to talk to the pope, but they say their presence at the reception will have symbolic importance.

A Look at Lesbian Fiction Best Seller 'One More Stop' by Lois Walden

We heard about this great book, One More Stop by Lois Walden, and thought we would share a synopsis and short excerpt with our readers! In a sometimes raunchy, always entertaining book that is a cross between Fried Green Tomatoes and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a woman finally figures out how to boldly navigate her own untidy life.