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social justice

13 LGBTQ+ content creators shaping the election conversation

From witty analysis to powerful advocacy, these content creators are here to cut through the noise and keep you informed.

All in the Family: Family Equality Council Honors Heroes in Fight for Social Justice

Jane Lynch summarized the theme of the annual awards dinner of Family Equality Council when she stated that we are all in this fight together. At the event, held last Saturday at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, Lynch presented an award to the plaintiffs in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger trial challenging Proposition 8. The recipients echoed Lynch’s remarks that marriage equality rights are intimately tied to the rights of LGBT families.

Finally, a Coachella Alternative for LGBT Music Lovers

The founders of social justice-oriented Lighting in a Bottle emphasize inclusivity for all.

5 Reasons Why Susan Sarandon Is the Coolest Woman in Hollywood

Hint: she dated David Bowie and she's devoted to social justice.

#WokeCharlotte Is the 'Sex and the City' Sequel the World Needs

The meme, which features Kristin Davis dropping social justice nuances, brings SATC into the late 2010s.

Martin Luther King Day Reflection for LGBTQ Justice in the Black Church

Today's MLK Day. I am proud to count myself among the many people working for social justice today who stand on the shoulders of Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Radical Feminist," Rogue Nuns in U.S. Stand Up To Vatican

After Catholic leaders at The Vatican have condemned American nuns for caring too much about poverty and social justice, and not fighting against abortion or marriage equality rights, a group representing thousands of religious women are considering how to strike back.

Young Gay HIV/AIDS Activist Joseph Jefferson Commits Suicide

A 26-year-old gay youth activist who worked with HIV/AIDS charities in New York and graduated from the Harvey Milk High School committed suicide over the weekend. Rod 2.0 spoke with friends and colleagues of gay youth activist and HIV peer educator Joseph Jefferson. "Joseph was truly a sweetheart," a friend who asked to remain nameless said. "Extremely bright and impassioned about social justice causes... It's such a loss."

Holland Taylor to be Recognized for her HIV/AIDS Work

Two and A Half Men actress Holland Taylor will be honored for her long-standing support for social justice and HIV/AIDS at A Faire of the Heart, the annual fund raising gala of the Serra Project. Taylor, who famously played Peggy Peabody on The L Word, will receive the Aid for AIDS (AFA) Celebrity Trailblazer award for having shown a strong desire to make a difference and has given time, talent, and financial support for events such as Best in Drag Show, and as a celebrity judge to raise money for Aid for AIDS.

Feminist Lesbian Writer Jill Johnston Dies at 81

Villiage Voice newspaper maven Jill Johnston has died from a stroke at the age of 81.  During her lifetime, Johnston was a pioneer for the lesbian and feminist communities. Authoring what many considered the lesbian bible Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution in 1974, Johnston was a lead figure in the movement towards equality and social justice in the LGBT community. The accomplished writer regularly wrote artistic columns for the Village Voice as well as other poignant feminist pieces that shaped the world we currently see before us today as lesbians in America and around the world.

Lesbians on the Margins at Maria Shriver's Women's Conference?

The Women’s Conference, now the nation’s premiere conference for women, is by all accounts one of the most powerful and exciting Conferences ever to be created in the United States. Maria Shriver had powerhouses such as Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden, Laura Bush, Dianne Sawyer, Sandra Day O’Connor, Judge Ginsburg, Meg Whitman, Eve Ensler, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Matt Lauer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Martha Beck (to name a few) present an array of workshops, panels, and speeches inspiring empowerment, passion for social justice, and development of self-esteem for all women.

Op-ed: Martin Luther King's Expansive Dream

King's vision of inclusion and community is far wider that we might have once imagined. And his vision always included lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Op-Ed: Would Martin Luther King Jr. have fought for LGBTQ+ rights?

This Monday, we will mark 38 years of observing Martin Luther King Day. Some states began honoring Dr. King on January 20, 1986.

GLAD Awards Lesbian Activist and Scholar Rev. Irene Monroe its 2012 Spirit of Justice Award

SheWired is thrilled to announce that The Gay and Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) is awarding Boston-based lesbian activist, scholar, columnist and public theologian Rev. Irene Monroe with its Spirit of Justice Award for 2012. Monroe has been contributing her thoughtful columns that often get at the intersection of LGBT issues, race, religion, politics and pop culture to SheWired since its inception in 2008.

Adorable Lesbian Couple in Texas Seek to Become Ministers

A lesbian couple in Austin say the relationship between being gay and Christian should be “both-and,” not “either-or,” and toward that end they’re both seeking to be ordained as ministers — something that may be a problem in one’s denomination. Annanda Barclay is seeking to become a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), which allows openly gay, partnered clergy, and Mary Ann Kaiser in the United Methodist Church, which does not as of yet, but she’s determined to forge ahead just the same.

Ted Cruz Is Open to Reinstating DADT 

The Republican presidential candidate also blasts military service by transgender people.

Gay Marriage = The End of Queer Life

At a time when lesbian and gay marriage activists are fighting for equal rights, writer and button pusher Stephanie Schroeder dares argue against the institution for a myriad of reasons including feminist and economic factors. 'There's nothing equal (or gay) about marriage. It's an outdated concept, an antiquarian vestige, a ghost of social mores past,' writes Schroeder.

This Short Film Captures the Microaggressions Trans People Face IRL

Frame of Mind: Elevate offers an entertaining but important look at the kinds of things members of the trans community have to go through during everyday life. 

Hogwarts Legacy's Trans Character Isn't Winning Over Former Fans

This small move towards inclusivity just isn't enough.