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Op-ed: Yeah, Yeah, We Know, Smoking Is Bad 

Smoking is terrible, yet we do it anyway. And it's detrimental to LGBT people in more ways than one.

Here's where Kamala Harris stands on the 5 issues that matter most to the LGBTQ+ community

The presumptive Democratic nominee may be progressive, but how does she feel about these core issues?

5 Reasons Why Pokemon Go is the New Cruising

Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm, and one writer notes its similarities to how gay men used to find casual hookups. 

The Artists of Lilith Fair Series: Butterfly Boucher Exclusive

She loves lesbians and we love her.  Butterfly Boucher (yes, it is actually her “real” name) is preparing to head back out onto the road this summer with Sarah McLachlan.  It will be the second time the two women have worked together on tour (the first one, Sarah’s Afterglow tour, allowed Butterfly to spread her wings as a solo artist).  So, who is Butterfly and where did she come from anyway?

Top Ten Wows and Woes of 2008: From Politics to Pop Culture

From Barack Obama's historic election to his pick of Rick Warren to deliver the inaugural invocation, from the housing crisis to Prop. 8. From Britney Spears' comeback to Tina Fey's Palin and Grey's Anatomy's axed lesbian storyline to Brangelina's continuous philanthropy, 2008 was a year for plenty of ups and downs...Here's a look...