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shelley duvall

Shelley Duvall, star of ‘The Shining,’ dead at 75

The star leaves a legacy of iconic performances.

50 Greatest Lesbian and Bi Girl Movie Kisses of All Time - Ranked

So many kisses, so little time.

13 Scream Queens Who'll Help Scare the Hell Out of You!

What would horror movies be without these women running around screaming and helping to scare the hell out of us!

Watch: New American Horror Story Promo Features Jessica Lange as Sadistic Nun

A new promo is out for American Horror Story: Asylum, and if you look really hard you’ll catch a glimpse of out Emmy nominee Sarah Paulson, who plays a lesbian journalist named Lana in the second season, which stars Jessica Lange as the sadistic nun who runs Briarcliff, an asylum in Massachusetts. While short, the promo includes plenty of images of Lange looking evil and imposing.