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sexual health care

What is cruising and how do I practice it safely?

The centuries-long practice is only growing in popularity. What do you need to know before you join in?

Could This One Pill Slow The Skyrocketing Numbers Of STIs In US Men?

Here's what you need to know.

Queer Millennials Are Coming Out Sooner Than Older Generations

A recent study found that younger queer people are coming out much, much sooner than queer people from generations past.

Everything you need to know about the new fungal infection impacting the LGBTQ+ community

A new case of sexually transmissible tinea has been reported in New York that can take months to clear up.

Op-Ed: Lesbians and the Fear of Forceps

So when a friend of mine, a lesbian-about-town everyone knows and loves, asked, “Can you help me with my Pap smear?” I joked that technically, no, that’s above my pay grade. But I soon realized she really needed help.

Out Planned Parenthood Youth Advocate Wants to End HIV

This Planned Parenthood youth advocate wants you to know the health services they offer LGBT youth, and end HIV.

Op-Ed: Violence Against Women is a Global Health Epidemic

It’s the worst and most severe global epidemic in modern history and the numbers are shocking: More than one in three women worldwide is a victim of physical or sexual violence.

10 health and sex tips for PRIDE to play and party safely according to an expert

Dr. Leo Moore breaks down the ultimate Pride sexual health guide.

If Lesbians Are More at Risk for Cancer, Do Something: Op-Ed

Paula Ettlebrick died of ovarian cancer last week and a whole movement grieves her loss. Her beauty, passion, and intelligence do not come around very often. My close friend Adria died six years ago after a losing struggle with ovarian cancer and she was mourned by her lover, her son, an entire caseload of psychotherapy clients, and me. We played tennis together every Thursday at 1 p.m. for 15 years. Ruth, one of my best friends since college, died of ovarian cancer three years ago. I have not yet recovered.

The Lesbian Breast Cancer Link

Do a cluster of risk factors explain the high number of cancer deaths?

On National HIV Testing Day, Knowledge is Power

Find your power. Know your status.

ObamaCare Passed But Passed Up Reproductive Justice

Eight million more women than men voted for Obama for president.  And one of the reasons we did was because of his purported position on reproductive justice issues like abortion and emergency contraception (EC). But with the stroke of 20 pens that is just what President Obama did, when he signed into law on March 23, the long awaited  "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590)" by pandering to pro-life Democrats.

6 Reasons Queer Women MUST Stand with Planned Parenthood

In the wake of a smear campaign by anti-choice activists, GOP Congressmen seek to defund Planned Parenthood. Here's how that would affect us as queer women.

Op-ed: Why Cancer-Pink Clashes With the Rainbow

The founder of the National LGBT Cancer Network notes a new study that found LGBT breast cancer survivors are put off by the dominance of "cancer-pink" in advocacy and doctor's offices.

Lesbians Ignored in New Breast Health Rules

For years medical professionals have advised women over the age of 40 to get annual breast exams as a way to detect cancerous tumors. However, the new guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force, which shun breast self-exams and suggest only women between the ages of 50 and 74 get mammograms every other year, are startling to some, while others welcome the recommendations. However, the new guidelines fail to mention lesbians.

Transgender Woman Shot and Killed in DC

A transgender woman, 23-year-old Lashai Mclean (pictured), was shot to death in northeast Washington, D.C., early Wednesday morning. Police say the investigation is still under way but, according to The Washington Times, the shooting occurred about 10 blocks from a group home for homeless gay and transgender youth where Mclean had sought housing assistance.

Massachusetts Considers Ex-Gay Therapy Ban

Massachusetts may join the growing list of states that will outlaw gay "conversion therapy" being practiced among minors.

Rachel Maddow Wishes LGBT Activist Phyllis Lyon Happy Birthday - Video

Television personality Rachel Maddow wishes activist Phyllis Lyon happy birthday and talks about meeting long-time LGBT rights activists Phyllis and Del Martin for the first time when she was in college at Stanford, and how that experience changed her perspective on being out and fighting for equal rights.

World Health Organization Removes Transgender from Mental Disorders

The World Health Assembly voted on it last week.