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sex exploration

What's the deal with foot fetishes?

Turns out this desire is more common than you think.

‘Sebastian’ Sundance 2024 review: A refreshing queer exercise in self-exploitation

Sex work becomes the nexus point of introspection & exploration in this daring film.

Check Out The Trailer For Queer Erotic Thriller 'Birder'

The movie promises lots of nudity, lots of sex, and exploration of unconventional themes.

Lesbian Until Graduation (LUG) Myth is Just That Says CDC

A new study has found that women who finish college are less likely to have had a same-sex experience than those who only completed high school. The findings, from the CDC-funded National Survey on Family Growth, seems to show that the perception of women frequently experimenting in college may be a myth. The assumption that college was the place where many young women explore same-sex relationships led to the term LUG — or "lesbian until graduation."

15 things I wish queer men were taught in sex ed

When it comes to sex ed, too many schools aren't queer-inclusive.

101 gay sex tips you didn't learn in sex ed class

Got specific questions about sex with men? We have answers.

Showtime's 'Masters of Sex' Goes Lez

Masters of Sex studies a lesbian prostitute

10 Most Shocking Gay Sex Scenes In Movies & TV Shows

We were gooped and gagged when these scenes popped up on our screens.

After My HIV Diagnosis, Kink Sex Saved My Life

In the weeks following my HIV diagnosis, I went from zombie hookups to sex terrors. Here's how I found my way out.

SAKIMA Captures the Chaos of Falling in Love in 'DJ Romance'

"Like I can’t stop talking about him and it gets to the point of being a bit hyper."

WATCH: Lesbians Who Enjoy Sex with Men

YouTube personality Arielle Scarcella interviews lesbians who enjoy sex with men.

5 Things Sexually Fluid Really Means

Confused about sexual fluidity? We're here to help.

A Video Game You Can Play With A Butt Plug? Yes, It’s Real

This new tech really fills a void in the market.

'Fellow Travelers' Creator Says Matt Bomer & Jonathan Bailey Had Instant Spark

The much-anticipated miniseries premieres tonight!

Everything Queer Announced For This Year’s Sundance Film Festival

Here’s your must-see list of 31 movies from this year’s revered festival.

Breaking Down The Binary: Key Differences Between Sex & Gender

Subtle or huge, these have a major impact on individuality.

Keke Palmer Gets Candid on Her 'Open' Stance Toward Sexuality

Following her recent breakup, the talented star is opening up on her free spirit.