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#Principle Magazine

My journey to self-acceptance through embracing my body hair

How do you define your identity? The power of self-expression and acceptance comes in many forms. For writer Alex Music, their body hair became the ultimate symbol of self-love.

Bimini & Black Peppa Cover ‘Principle’, Talk Pride & Queer Prejudice

And remind us why we fell in love with them from the start!

Aisha Tyler: Why Love 'Is Worth Fighting For'

The Talk co-host delivered a rousing speech for LGBT rights at the Lambda Legal West Coast Liberty Awards.

Book Excerpt: The Ultimate Guide to Kink by Tristan Taormino

As part of our effort to profile more authors within the LGBT community, we present Tristan Taormino. Here is an excerpt from her book The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge:

Charlene Strong Rises like a Phoenix from the Ashes to Change the Heart of a Nation with �For My Wife�

She is not a victim. Don’t call her one and don’t even think about it to yourself as you’re sitting in a quiet room. She is a wife, partner, friend, co-worker, gay rights activist, wine-lover, and humble spirit. Charlene Strong, age 47, also happens to be a lesbian. Her very private and devastating story made national headline news in 2006 when a flash flood plummeted into Seattle, Washington’s Madison Valley. The effects of the storm killed her wife of nine years, Kate Fleming. In an instant, Strong was thrust into the media spotlight as an activist and film subject depicted in the monumental award-winning Trick Dog Films documentary For My Wife.

5 Ways to Talk to Your Pro-Trump Family

It may be extremely difficult, but important to use any pull we may have with pro-Trump family to try to limit the number of people supporting his policies or voting for him in the future.

Rosario Dawson and Jenny Slate's Adorable Kiss!

Rosario Dawson and Jenny are selected by The New York Times Magazine as this year's notable actors. They celebrate by kissing.

Oprah is Not Gay Folks: Op-Ed

Because she has been so public about her life it appears that no topic is off-limits with the Queen of daytime talk. But when it comes to talking about her private sexual life the public feels Oprah is neither honest nor open. The public / media no longer queries Oprah about her longtime boyfriend, Stedman Graham, of twenty plus years. But after 30 years of four-times-a-day phone calls and frequent sightings of Oprah, with Gayle often by her side, the public continues to question Oprah about their relationship. "No, I'm not a lesbian, I'm not even kind of a lesbian," Oprah told Barbara Walters.

Pastor Leads Boycott Against Houston for Electing Lesbian Mayor

Pastor David H. Grisham has called on his ministry to boycott the city of Houston by imposing economic sanctions on the city for electing lesbian mayor Annise Parker and for allowing Planned Parenthood to build a clinic in the city, saying "Both of these actions are an abomination in the eyes of God."

6 Times Australia's Out Senator Penny Wong Crushed Bigoted Opponents

Australian senator Penny Wong doesn't hold back when it comes to schooling her opponents on gender, equality, and globalization.

5 Reasons We Can't Wait for Downton Abbey's Return!

Here are five good reasons we're going to tune in to Downton Abbey this Sunday!

Op-Ed: Sex and Strength - The Women of 'The Good Wife'

The Good Wife features some of the strongest female characters on all of TV.

RNC Chairman Says Gay Marriage Burdens Small Business

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chief Michael Steele attacked gay marriage at the State convention in Georgia arguing that it would will financially burden small businesses.