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pope francis

Meet the hunky gay designer making all of the pope's religious clothing

He may be making the pope's fits, but he's also the master of the thirst trap!

20 HILARIOUS memes about the pope's gay slur slip that prove Gay Twitter can reclaim ANYTHING

Trust the internet to turn lemons into lemonade by creating the funniest memes you've ever seen!

Pope Francis clarifies same-sex blessings, takes swing at closed-minded conservatives

He called being conservative a "suicidal attitude" in a rare interview.

Pope Francis Says Gays Not Welcome in Catholic Clergy

He calls homosexuality "fashionable," and "a very serious issue" in the Church.

God Responds to Pope Francis' 'Concern' Over Gay Clergy Members

God is much more worried about something else going on with Catholic priests... 

Will Pope Address LGBT Concerns at World Meeting of Families?

LGBT 'pilgrims,' representing different types of families, will attend the event next year in Philadelphia and hope for an audience with the pontiff.

Pope Blasts 'Selfish' People Who Adopt Pets Instead of Having Children

You know, the thing Catholic organizations won't let same-sex couples do.

Catholic Archbishop OK's Baptism of Lesbian Couple's Child

The child of a lesbian couple in Argentina is baptized in a Catholic cathedral.

Is the Vatican Softening Its Stance on Gay People?

The church should also recognize positive aspects of same-sex relationships, the document says.

Op-ed: The Spirit of the Season 

One lesbian feminist explains her love of Christmas!

Lesbian Teacher, Fired From Catholic School, Invited to White House Reception for Pope

Margie Winters and her wife don't expect to talk to the pope, but they say their presence at the reception will have symbolic importance.

Arkansas Catholic School Fires Teacher For Her Same-Sex Marriage

The Human Rights Campaign is denouncing the firing of Tippi McCullough, and her students are petitioning to save the teacher's job.

10 Ways A Queer Atheist Can Make It Work With Her Religious Girlfriend

The odds of falling for a religious woman? They’re not bad. Unless you want to limit your dating pool and potentially miss out on the girl of your dreams, it’s time to learn how to play nice.

Jenny McCarthy Says 'Shame on Me' for Hillary Clinton Lesbian Joke

The co-host of The View is on her way out at the show and already regretting some things she's said.

Back to School Viewing: SheWired's Favorite School / Girl TV Shows

To herald that transitional time of year that is the end of summer and the beginning of the school year, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite school-themed TV shows, many of which feature lesbians, or at least strong female characters – whether they are the outcasts or the popular and/or mean girls. Update your Netflix queue to include a few of these queer-friendly favorite series that compliment the back to school spirit just right.