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pay disparity

Taraji P. Henson Broke Down In Tears Over Pay Disparity And, Quite Frankly, I’m Sick Of It!

Inequality continues to thrive in Tinseltown.

The Tip Off: A beginner's guide to the WNBA

This simple guide will help new WNBA fans stay in the know!

Op-Ed: Lesbians and the Fear of Forceps

So when a friend of mine, a lesbian-about-town everyone knows and loves, asked, “Can you help me with my Pap smear?” I joked that technically, no, that’s above my pay grade. But I soon realized she really needed help.

Money Changes Everything

Writer and lesbian culture gurug Diana Cage takes a moment during the recession to examine dating someone out of your income level. And how gay men and lesbians just might have a different take on income disparities.

Laura Linney Slams Gender Inequity at Women in Film Awards

Laura Linney had a few choice words on gender inequity within the film and television industry at a gala held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel last night.

Iowa Lesbian Couple Sues Over Child's Birth Certificate

A same-sex couple legally married in Iowa in 2009 has filed suit against the State Health Department after officials declined to name both women on their child's birth certificate. Heather Lynn Martin Gartner, 38, the biological mother, and Melissa McCoy Gartner, 39, filed last week on behalf of their daughter Mackenzie.  The couple also has a son, Zachary, 3. 

Women's History Month: A Month Won't Fix this Mess

Writer Diana Cage takes a look at women in the fledgling economy. 'March is Women's History Month, a time when we're encouraged to look back and acknowledge the important contributions women have made to society throughout history. Which is a fine activity and all, but it doesn't do much in terms of alleviating the burden that systematic discrimination has put on us over the years. This recession is impacting women especially.'

Proudly Out: LGBT People Helping Right Back

Despite the stereotype that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, gay men in particular, have more disposable income, we've all been impacted by the economic downturn. Despite all the hardship, we have the opportunity to set the example just like we did during the early days of the AIDS crisis. Today, we face an economic crisis--one that knows no race, religion, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation.

ObamaCare Passed But Passed Up Reproductive Justice

Eight million more women than men voted for Obama for president.  And one of the reasons we did was because of his purported position on reproductive justice issues like abortion and emergency contraception (EC). But with the stroke of 20 pens that is just what President Obama did, when he signed into law on March 23, the long awaited  "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590)" by pandering to pro-life Democrats.

Yeah, There Are a Lot of Hot Guys in the Olympics, But...

Am I missing something exciting?

Op-Ed: Let's Be Strong Men Who Stand Up for Women

LGBT history overflows with stories of women who have come to the aide of gay men: the concerned mother who founded PFLAG, the doctor who proved that homosexuality was not a pathological illness, the popular 1960s communist who wrote that gays and lesbians were born that way and should be true to themselves in order to find happiness, and the countless number of lesbians who, after years of feeling excluded from the gay liberation movement by their gay brothers, put aside their frustrations to care for them at the height of the AIDS epidemic when hospitals wouldn’t.

Lena Waithe Says Time's Up to Fight Against Harassment for Queer Women

The out, Emmy-winning Master of None star has signed on to a part of the legal defense fund to help LGBT women and women of color. 

Female Vets and the ACLU Call On Dept. of Defense for Transparency Around Military Sexual Trauma

Women in the military, who often remain out of the spotlight, could soon get more visibility. And, that attention could come at the embarrassment of the Defense Department. Service Women's Action Network (SWAN), an advocacy organization for women in the military, recently teamed up with the ACLU to fight for greater transparency and action for victims of Military Sexual Trauma (MST.) An estimated 1 in 3 women experience sexual assault during their enlistment and that 6-23% of female servicemembers are the victim of rape or attempted rape. Additionally, those studies reveal that 14% of military rape victims are the victims of gang rape.

What is Black Pride?

What started as a single-day event in the '90s has grown into a global phenomenon.

6 Reasons Queer Women MUST Stand with Planned Parenthood

In the wake of a smear campaign by anti-choice activists, GOP Congressmen seek to defund Planned Parenthood. Here's how that would affect us as queer women.

The Naked Truth: Lesbian Bed Death Part II � It's Alive!

Authors Tracey Stevens and Kathy Wunder tackle lesbian bed death, telling readers that we need to throw out the ideas many of us have about sex. 'Sex must be spontaneous' or 'we both need to be in the mood' are some of the misperceptions we may have that keep our sex lives from being what we want.

Why We Need International Women’s Day

Women still face many of the same barriers they did over 100 years ago, when the observance was established.