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Mae Whitman named her new son after his guncle & 'Parenthood' brother Miles Heizer and we're SOBBING

"Not to be a Bieber about it but I too just gave birth to our son," is an iconic birth announcement and you cannot change my mind.

Pink Out for Planned Parenthood!

Making your profile picture pink may not do much legislatively, but it will certainly show how strong our numbers are. Join the fun!

Watch: Connie Britton's 'Wing It Parenthood' (a Post Budget Cut Planned Parenthood) on Funny or Die

In a new Funny or Die video, we get a hilarious (albeit scary) glimpse at a world without Planned Parenthood where everyone is forced to “wing it.” Connie Britton, best known for her role on Friday Night Lights and American Horror Story who stars in the upcoming Nashville, plays the perky receptionist-turned-representative for Wing It Parenthood, the less-effective replacement after Planned Parenthood has been obliterated by budget cuts.

Planned Parenthood Opens Doors for Transgender Hours

Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania is planning to keep an eye on transgender health by offering extended hours at their clinic in downtown Pittsburgh. “Around half of all transgender people who seek medical care are served by uninformed doctors,” says the clinic's president and chief executive officer, Kim Evert. “These same patients are expected, by default, to teach their doctors about proper transgender medical care."

A Love Letter from a Queer Woman to Planned Parenthood

I will always stand with Planned Parenthood.

5 Reasons to Watch The Final Season of NBC’s Parenthood

If you aren't already watching this gem, we have five good reasons why you should.

Out Planned Parenthood Youth Advocate Wants to End HIV

This Planned Parenthood youth advocate wants you to know the health services they offer LGBT youth, and end HIV.

6 Reasons Queer Women MUST Stand with Planned Parenthood

In the wake of a smear campaign by anti-choice activists, GOP Congressmen seek to defund Planned Parenthood. Here's how that would affect us as queer women.

5 Seasons Later Parenthood FINALLY Gets a Lesbian Relationship!

The prodigal Braverman daughter returns in the fifth season finale of the NBC drama.

Komen Does Damage Control, Restores Planned Parenthood Funding

The founder of the Susan G. Komen foundation apologized after the news broke that it would be pulling funds from Planned Parenthood's initiatives to provide breast health checks for women in low-income areas.

Monica Potter Says It's About Time Parenthood Got an LGBT Storyline!

Potter wasn't the only one who was ready for this excellent series to get an LGBT storyline.

Elizabeth Banks Reminds Us That Mitt Romney Will Defund Planned Parenthood

Actress Elizabeth Banks just endeared herself to us even more. She’s filmed a video for the Obama campaign extolling the virtues of Planned Parenthood, which she says provided her with healthcare when she didn’t have any. She admits going on birth control, but says it was for migraines and a “heavy flow.”

Right Wing Groups Pressure Komen Foundation to Stop Funding Planned Parenthood

After a long campaign from antigay and anti-abortion groups, The Susan G. Komen Foundation, the leading organization for breast cancer research, announced Tuesday that it will pull its ties with progressive family planning network, Planned Parenthood.

From drag to dad: RPDR's Hershii LiqCour-Jeté on balancing parenthood and performing

Hershii LiqCour-Jeté stole hearts on RuPaul's Drag Race, but her true passion lies in being a loving parent. As Father's Day approaches, she reminds us of the power of chosen families.

Komen VP for Public Policy Karen Handel Resigns Over Planned Parenthood Debacle

Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s vice president for public policy, Karen Handel, has resigned from the charity following the recent dispute over whether or not the group should continue should offer funding to Planned Parenthood.

Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Get Radical Planned Parenthood / Homosexual Lifestyle Makeover on Conan

Indiana Republican Bob Morris’ refused to sign a resolution celebrating the Girl Scout’s 100-year anniversary based on his assertion that it has become a “radicalized” organization, and Conan O’Brien responded by devising an entirely new line of rad Girl Scout cookie flavors.

Do Only Some Lives Matter? - Susan G. Komen Pulls Funding from Planned Parenthood - Op-Ed

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation has announced it will no longer give grants to provide breast exams and mammograms through Planned Parenthood affiliates. Komen states that this has nothing to do with the “Right to Life” but rather the fact that Planned Parenthood is being investigated. According to the New York Times the investigation is by a conservative Republican who was urged to act by anti-abortion groups. This is sad. Investigation does not mean guilt. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?