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'Sancta' opera stirs controversy with lesbian sex, bloody on-stage piercings, and naked roller-skating nuns

18 traumatized audience members required medical treatment in one weekend of the German opera, which includes the most sacrilegious use of a crucifix since The Exorcist.

Just for Fun: Bad Girls Behind Bars

From vintage Pam Grier in a female 'Blacksploitation' style chain gang film to her small-screen television sis, Jennifer Beals’ Bette Porter, pleasuring herself against a prison wall, women behind bars is a winner. Hollywood's hottest women in prison, including the original Angels, Jaclyn Smith, Kate Jackson, Farrah Fawcett; Rachel Shelley; Mandana Jones, Simone Lahbib; Anne Heche, Ione Skye, Claire Danes and Kate Beckinsale.

SheWired's Exclusive Interview with 'True Blood's' Kristin Bauer

SheWired talks to the beautiful Kristin Bauer about her True Bloodcharacter, Pam, the surly vampire henchwomen with a definite "lesbian vibe," gay metaphors on the Alan Ball show and her love of animals.

Capturing male beauty with Terry Hastings art

Discover the captivating fusion of Hockney-inspired sensuality and Matisse-infused abstraction in the vibrant artistry of Terry Hastings, as he invites viewers on a journey of liberation and self-expression through his evocative prints available on The Pride Store.

Here’s everything coming to Frameline48 & we can’t wait to see it all

From a documentary about Drag Race’s Lady Camden to a conversation with Lena Waithe to performances by Linda Perry, this lineup has us SEATED and ready!