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minnesota news anchor

Minneapolis anchor comes out of the 'glass closet' after 13 years in TV news

Jason Hackett shared words of encouragement for anyone struggling with their identity.

WATCH: Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michele Bachmann's Inaccuracies, Warns Against Her Influence

Out MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow dedicated a sizable segment on Wednesday to Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's announcement that she will not seek reelection.

Right-Wingers Worry that Fox News has Gone Pro-Gay

A right-wing group is up in arms about a scheduling change due to take place at Fox News Channel that has slightly more progressive commentator Megyn Kelly taking over uber-conservative anchor Sean Hannity's 9 p.m. weeknight time slot.

VOTE: SheWired's Out Woman of the Year 2012

2012, being the year of a national election and the Olympics, has been a big year for LGBTs in pop culture, politics and sports. Now SheWired would like to pay homage to the unabashedly out women who’ve moved visibility for queer women forward.