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lesbian sex religion

'Sancta' opera stirs controversy with lesbian sex, bloody on-stage piercings, and naked roller-skating nuns

18 traumatized audience members required medical treatment in one weekend of the German opera, which includes the most sacrilegious use of a crucifix since The Exorcist.

Prop 8 Trial Update Day 7: Religion and 'Conversion Therapy' for Homosexuality

Challengers of California's ban on same-sex marriage tried to show that religion has promoted discrimination against gays and lesbians. On the seventh day of the trial, lawyers trying to overturn Prop 8 presented testimony of a gay man, Ryan Kendall, whose parents forced him to undergo "conversion therapy" in his teens. 

Proudly Out: LGBT People Helping Right Back

Despite the stereotype that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, gay men in particular, have more disposable income, we've all been impacted by the economic downturn. Despite all the hardship, we have the opportunity to set the example just like we did during the early days of the AIDS crisis. Today, we face an economic crisis--one that knows no race, religion, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation.

NO H8 Campaign Releases New 'It Gets Better' Videos

The NOH8 Campaign just released an anti-bullying video that addresses many of the issues contributing to the way gay and lesbian youth are thought about by their peers. Topics from religion-based bigotry, blood donation discrimination for gay men, the absence of marriage equality and the ban on adoption by same-sex parents are all included. Among the many celebrities who speak out in this video is Cindy McCain. She talks specifically about the ban on gays and lesbians not being allowed to serve openly in the military. Drew Carey, Shanna Moakler, Alec Mapa, Meredith Eaton, Debra Wilson, Tori Spelling, Meghan McCain, Hal Sparks, Laura Ling, Terry Kennedy, Vanessa Simmons, Pauley Perrette, Kristen Vangsness and Eric Balfour star in this additional video by the NO H8 Campaign for It Gets Better:

Lesbian Couple Wins Discrimination Suit Against Hawaii B&B

A judge in Honolulu, Hawaii, ruled that a local bed and breakfast owner discriminated against a lesbian couple when she refused to allow them to book a reservation upon learning they couple were of the same sex, reports Lambda Legal, which represented the couple.

Lesbian Couple Files Complaint Over Oregon Bakery's Wedding Cake Refusal

A lesbian couple in Oregon has filed a formal complaint with the state's Bureau of Labor and Industries alleging discrimination after a bakery in Gresham, Ore., refused to bake a cake for the couple's same-sex wedding in January.

National Center for Lesbian Rights' Kate Kendell Quits Mormon Church

Kate Kendell announced in a national newspaper opinion piece why she's formally left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


WATCH: Christian University Expels Lesbian Student for Marrying Her Girlfriend

A Pentecostal school in Oklahoma expelled Christian Minard one semester before she would have received her degree.

Out Gays Barred from Rick Perry's Mega Prayer Fest: Op-Ed

More than 30,000 people packed Houston’s Reliant Stadium to attend Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s mega prayerfest named "The Response," a clarion call to all Christian Americans for a national day of prayer for our troubled nation.

WATCH: Another Oregon Baker Refuses to Bake Cake for Lesbian Wedding

A baker in Mt. Hood, Ore., is under scrutiny after refusing to bake a cake for a lesbian couple's wedding when she discovered they were a same-sex couple.

Martin Luther King Day Reflection for LGBTQ Justice in the Black Church

Today's MLK Day. I am proud to count myself among the many people working for social justice today who stand on the shoulders of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Antigay Bakery Sweetcakes By Melissa Finds Niche Baking Cakes for Ex-Gay Ministry

Sweet Cakes by Melissa, an Oregon bakery that refuses to bake cakes for same-sex couples, throws its frosting behind an ex-gay ministry.

Mary Lambert to Headline Largest LGBT Christian Conference

The 'Same Love' songstress will perform in front of 1,500 LGBT Christians come this January.

Episcopal Church Closer To Full Acceptance of Gays and Lesbians

The Episcopal Church is decisively closer to fully accepting gays and lesbians by working toward recognizing same-sex marriage in addition to ordaining openly gay bishops.

Lesbian and Bisexual Women Who Kicked Ass In 2014

We salute more of the women who made 2014 a year of progress in a politics, the arts, and other arenas.

Yes, Women Like Porn Too

Some women can't stand to watch porn — is it because it's really hitting the nerve on an issue they don't want to address?

Op-ed: Yes, Women Like Porn Too

Some women can't stand to watch porn — is it because it's really hitting the nerve on an issue they don't want to address?

Canada Court Rules No Opting Out of Performing Same-Sex Nuptials Based on Religious Objections

An appeals court in Canada's Saskatchewan province has ruled that marriage commissioners cannot opt out of performing same-sex nuptials because of religious objections. The decision is in response to a proposed law, which had two versions: One would allow any marriage commissioner to not perform a same-sex wedding because of his or her religion; the other version would allow commissioners to opt out of performing a same-sex ceremony only if they were commissioners before Canada enacted marriage equality in 2004.

Shot of the Day: UK Conservatives Try to Ban Lesbian-Leaning Self-Love Ad

A Harvey Nichols ad campaign in the United Kingdom showing women kissing their own reflection prompted religious conservatives to get their knickers in a twist and complain to the national advertising authority.