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lesbian porn

Lesbians reveal what 'dove effing' is and if it's the new scissoring

These NSFW answers will have you reaching for a fan!

Bury it, gays: 10 queer trends that need to die in 2025

Not "gay" as in "happy," but "queer" as in "if I hear someone say they're 'in their [fill in the blank] era' one more time I'm going to scream."

Electra Rayne and lesbians being intimate

Is scissoring real? Sapphic adult content star answers THE lesbian sex question once and for all

One day people will stop talking about lesbian sex like it's the Loch Ness Monster, but today is not that day.

Here are the signs you might be bisexual, according to experts

Figuring out your sexual identity can be scary, but don’t worry, we got you!