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jesus portrayed woman

'Sancta' opera stirs controversy with lesbian sex, bloody on-stage piercings, and naked roller-skating nuns

18 traumatized audience members required medical treatment in one weekend of the German opera, which includes the most sacrilegious use of a crucifix since The Exorcist.

Watch: SNL's Kate McKinnon Shines as Ellen DeGeneres, Jodie Foster and Ecce Homo Restorer Cecilia Giminez

Since we saw Kate McKinnon perform her stand-up on a lesbian cruise years ago it was clear she was destined to become the next big thing in comedy. But this weekend, McKinnon, who joined SNL late last season, really got to shine portraying Ellen DeGeneres and Jodie Foster as “Lesser Known Bond Girls” in one sketch and the Spanish woman who lovingly defaced a portrait of Jesus in another.

John Duff Gets 'Girly,' Channels Mariah, Beyoncé, Madonna In New Video

Drag queens Willam, Bianca Del Rio, and Mariah also make cameos!

Research Into 'Secret Sex Lives' Reveals Women Actually Desire Sex

If you've ever found yourself yearning to peek through a neighbor's curtain, or wondered what the visuals looked like accompanying the raucous sounds emanating from the hotel room next door, you've got to get your hands on Secret Sex Lives: A Year on the Fringes of American Sexuality, now available in stores.

Op-ed: These Lesbians Will Break Your Heart

While Ilene Chaiken's earlier series depicted the lives of lesbians in glamorous L.A., her latest project is her realest yet.

How Shannen Doherty's on-screen legacy changed our gay lives

As we mourn her passing, we remember the joy and light she brought into our lives with her performances.