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17 LGBTQ+ movies & TV shows coming in September 2024 & where to watch them

Nothing beats the heat like a late summer binge! Here’s what we are watching all month long!

Mistress Says She Dropped Six Figures On Her 'Drag Race' Lewks

And you'll never believe how much she spent on her finale look alone.

Comedian Jerrod Carmichael Comes Out as Gay in New HBO Special

"I thought I’d never, ever come out. At many points I thought I’d rather die than confront the truth."

Gay Icon Kristin Chenoweth Gets her 'Glee' On!

Last month, gay icon Kristin Chenoweth won a best supporting actress Emmy for her turn on the show as baker extraordinaire Olive Snook on Pushing Daisies, and this month, she's hot off a guest-starring role on Fox's freshman hit Glee. Now, news that she will reprise her role on Glee as April Rhodes, the boozed-up babe with a voice to die for.

Hamish Steele: Writing A Queer, Autistic Teen Helped Me Accept My Past

In this guest post from the creator of Netflix’s Dead End: Paranormal Park they open up to PRIDE about how creating the character of Norma led to a major self-discovery.

6 Anime to Watch, Even If You Think You Hate Anime

Give anime a chance!

My Love Has No Status

Our hearts and souls themselves are not HIV-positive. 

Where the Girls Are on TV: Tyra Banks, Laurel Holloman, Jackie Warner

This week in television, Tyra Banks' talks Genital Reassignment Surgery with Isis, The Cougar is hot but her wet-behind-the-ears suitors aren't. Premiere lesbian celeb trainer Jackie Warner's  kicking asses in Jackie's Gym Takeover. Laurel Holloman 'sits on Jennifer Beals' face,' Stephen Colbert's afraid of 'Arma-GAY-don,' and yes, Lindsay Lohan's still looking for love.

Book Excerpt: The Indelible Heart by Marianne K. Martin

As part of our effort to profile more authors within the LGBT community, we present Marianne K. Martin. Here is an excerpt from her book The Indelible Heart:

Arkansas School Official Declares on Facebook He Wants Gays Dead

While schools across the country are taking action against bullying and suicide, a board member of an Arkansas school district is using his Facebook page to encourage "queers" and "fags" to kill themselves. Clint McCance is a board member in the Midland school district in eastern Arkansas. Responding to call to wear purple last Wednesday to support LGBT youth, McCance wrote the following message on his Facebook page: "Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin. REALLY PEOPLE."

SheWired's Unlikely Movie Reviews: 'Driving Angry' with Amber Heard

If I’d had any expectations at all for Drive Angry 3D, I would have been sorely disappointed. Luckily, the only expectation I had was that Amber Heard be awesome, and, as per usual, she pulled through. As far as the rest of the film...well, it’s probably safer to only concentrate on Amber’s bad-assery, but before I get to that, there are some very specific feelings on Nicolas Cage I need to get out of my system. Amber recently made entertainment headlines after officially coming out with her girlfriend, photographer Tasya van Ree at the GLAAD 25th anniversary celebration in Hollywood.

Katie Mills Begs JoJo Siwa To 'Stop Attacking' Her After Messy TikTok

Mills slammed Siwa for continuing to post videos shading her and Avery Cyrus.

Gaga for 'Glee'

As much as I absolutely adore Lady Gaga in every way, I have to admit I was nervous for Glee's most recent themed venture. Ever since the Madonna episode, Glee seemed to drop every semblance of recurring plot in pursuit of flashy gimmicks and iTunes profits that detracted from its once sweet, natural charm. But this week Lea Michelle and Idina Menzel tackle mother / daughter issues, Kurt and Finn clash over homophobia and the "F" word and welcome back Quinn!

Op-Ed: Being Single at the Holidays Doesn't Have to Suck

Being single and coping throughout the holidays can be a tough thing to do, especially if you're newly single. Having fallen back into that category I'm not going to deny there aren't times when I wish my ex was in the back of the plane in the movie Flight (heh heh heh), but that kind of thinking has to end at some point.

California Lesbian Couple Faced Discrimination at Fresno Hospital

Teresa Rowe's partner of 3 1/2 years, Kristin Orbin, who is epileptic, collapsed after the Equality March in Fresno, suffering three grand mal seizures. The volunteer emergency aid staff at the Meet in the Middle rally responded promptly and appropriately, but that is opposite of what happened in the ambulance and at the hospital. Lesbian and gay couples are still struggling to get proper care in medical emergencies.

Op-Ed: From Matthew Shepard to Trayvon Martin - Bigotry Knows No Boundaries

The nation is once again divided alone the fault line of race. In a perceived 2013 post-racial society, however, William Faulkner's prophetic quote "The past is never dead. It's not even past," has come back to haunt us in this century. Faulkner’s quote resonates now more than ever following the George Zimmerman verdict.

Adore Delano Comes Out As Trans & Opens Up About Transition Plans

The Drag Race star talks about her lifelong journey with gender.

Sweet Homo Alabama

Stand-up comic Jen Kober finds the homo lovers in Birmingham, Alabama while on tour her Straight Up Stand Up tour with ANT and Jason Dudey. From NASCAR-hat wearing men and their wives to upstanding church goers, Birmingham came out in droves for stand-up --gay, lesbian or otherwise. Plus...ghost stories in ANT's bed and a Wafflehouse!

American Horror Story: Coven Recap Ep. 8 - Ritual Witch-ual

American Horror Story: Coven Recap - Ritual Witch-ual