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Express "Our Love, Our Freedom" at Global Black Pride's Human Rights and Health Conference

A transformative gathering in Atlanta on August 27-28 this year unites global voices to champion the rights and health of Black LGBTQ+ communities and beyond.

In Wake of Orlando, Let's Come Together

June 12, 2016, will be a day that no American, especially no LGBT person,  will ever forget. Here's how this queer man hopes we come together through it. 

I Can't Be Brave About Mass Shootings

I told myself I would fight if I were ever a target of a mass shooting, but in that moment the fight is over and we’ve already lost.

Meet the 38 drag artists fighting hard to drag out the vote!

Drag Out the Vote has chosen these 38 queens, kings, and things to get you to sashay to the polls!

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Announces LGBT Initiative

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) has partnered with the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center for their lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) Initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to conduct research, participate in discussions and make recommendations surrounding the suicide risk among the LGBTQ population, specifically.

President Obama to Host White House Press Conference on Bullying

President Barack Obama will host a conference about bullying prevention at the White House next Thursday. Last fall, President Obama appeared in an “It Gets Better” video following a highly publicized series of LGBT teen suicides because of bullying.

Jaden Smith Credits Jada Pinkett Smith For Intro To Psychedelics

Smith praised psychedelics for helping his relationships with his siblings.

Annie Lennox Appointed as UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador

Singer songwriter Annie Lennox can add UN AIDS Ambassador to her resume as she was named International Goodwill Ambassador for the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS. Lennox said, “The daily brutality faced by millions of women and girls is unacceptable. If we are to end the cycle of human devastation triggered by the AIDS epidemic, we must address the rights of women and girls and challenge their second class citizen status, which puts them at greater risk of HIV.”

Proudly Out: LGBT People Helping Right Back

Despite the stereotype that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, gay men in particular, have more disposable income, we've all been impacted by the economic downturn. Despite all the hardship, we have the opportunity to set the example just like we did during the early days of the AIDS crisis. Today, we face an economic crisis--one that knows no race, religion, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Malawi Gay Couple Come Out of Hiding to Offer Thanks

Tiwonge Chimbalanga, who was reported missing earlier this week, and his partner Steven Monjeza, came out of seclusion to give a brief news conference today in the administrative capital of Lilongwe. The couple, who received a presidential pardon on a 14-year hard labor sentence for having a “symbolic wedding,” called President Bingu wa Mutharika a “tolerant president."

Boxer Christy Martin's Husband to Face Judge for Allegedly Attempting to Kill Her

The husband of boxing star Christy Martin will face a judge Wednesday afternoon on charges of attempted first-degree murder and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon for allegedly attacking his wife after she told him she was leaving him for because she was having a lesbian relationship.  Assistant state attorney Ryan Vescio is fighting James Martin's request to be released on bond because "the defendant not [only] used multiple deadly weapons in an ambush-style attack [on] the victim, which left her for dead, but admitted to stalking the victim to Daytona Beach the day before, and then after the attack eluded law enforcement for a week."

WATCH: Ellen Page Comes Out as Gay at LGBT Youth Conference

Page said she no longer wanted to hide.

80% of LGBTQ+ People Feel Less Secure Due to Gender-Affirming Care Bans

The laws are aimed primarily at trans youth, but they're negatively affecting all LGBTQ+ Americans, a new study finds.

NPR’s Foxification of Ex-Gay Rhetoric: Op-Ed

If it were Fox News I wouldn’t have flinched. But it was National Public Radio. To my surprise, I didn’t realize -- especially in 2011 -- my sexual orientation was still up for debate. But on Aug. 1 on the "Morning Edition" of National Public Radio (NPR), it was. And the topic on the show that morning was "Can Therapy Help Change Sexual Orientation?"My head spins at the thought of how Christian counseling services, like Dr. Marcus Bachmann’s, still get so much air time, especially, in spite of the voluminous information disputing the pseudo-science of "ex-gay" conversion therapies.

If Lesbians Are More at Risk for Cancer, Do Something: Op-Ed

Paula Ettlebrick died of ovarian cancer last week and a whole movement grieves her loss. Her beauty, passion, and intelligence do not come around very often. My close friend Adria died six years ago after a losing struggle with ovarian cancer and she was mourned by her lover, her son, an entire caseload of psychotherapy clients, and me. We played tennis together every Thursday at 1 p.m. for 15 years. Ruth, one of my best friends since college, died of ovarian cancer three years ago. I have not yet recovered.

An Exodus from the Ex-Gay Movement - Lisa Ling Covers 'God and Gays'

The nation’s most prominent ex-gay group, Exodus International,announced on its website late Wednesday that it will shut down and reemerge as a new ministry. The group had for most of its existence insisted gay people can be turned straight. Exactly what its newest iteration will become is unclear from the announcement, and a new website called "Reduce Fear" hasn't even been completed.

What Drugs Aren't Safe To Take While On PrEP?

It's important to speak to your doctor about all medications you're taking, but these should be no-brainers. 

This Doc Wants to Change How Black Men View PrEP

Dr. Leo Moore is reaching the black MSM community in Los Angeles with his prevention efforts, and it's working. 

15 Women Who Stood Up for LGBT People

Since March is Women's History Month, we decided to take a look at some of the great women, both LGBT and straight, who helped make history for us.

Puerto Rican Lesbian Couple Sues for Marriage Recognition

A lesbian attorney and her partner of 14 years are taking aim at Puerto Rico's refusal to recognize the couple's 2004 Massachusetts marriage.