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harry melling

Alexander Skarsgård will play Harry Melling's 24/7 dom in an upcoming kinky, queer romance

Hollywood is about to get a little kinkier and a lot gayer!

Lesbian Kelly Cassidy Named to Illinois House

Longtime lesbian activist Kelly Cassidy (pictured, with her children) has been appointed to fill a vacancy in the Illinois house of representatives, making her the body’s third current out gay member. Democratic ward leaders in the 14th district, covering part of Chicago’s far north side, unanimously picked Cassidy for the post after a long public meeting Saturday. She will join the legislature May 16, filling the seat being vacated by Harry Osterman, who was recently elected to the Chicago city council.

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn Signs Civil Union Legislation

Gay Illinoisans rejoiced Monday afternoon as Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation establishing civil unions, giving same-sex couples most of the state-level rights and responsibilities of marriage. Quinn signed the bill before a crowd of hundreds at the Chicago Cultural Center. He invoked the state’s most famous politician, Abraham Lincoln, by saying, “We’re a government of the people, by the people, for the people, and it shall not perish from the earth.”