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gay prime minister

22 of your fave celebs who are out & proud of their trans & nonbinary kids

Grab the tissues because these quotes are going to give you all the feels.

WW2 hero codebreaker Alan Turing was jailed for being gay; 'Forgetting the Many' tells his story and others

The documentary Forgetting the Many: The Royal Pardon of Alan Turing examines Turing and other gay men convicted under the U.K.’s 1885 anti-homosexuality law. It opens for a one-week run in NYC on Dec. 6.

8 times 'Doctor Who' star David Tennant proved he's the ultimate LGBTQ+ ally

As the father of a nonbinary child, Tennant is showing the world everyday what it looks like to be an ally!

Here's where Kamala Harris stands on the 5 issues that matter most to the LGBTQ+ community

The presumptive Democratic nominee may be progressive, but how does she feel about these core issues?