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extremist ideologies

Colorado's gay governor denounces extremist group's flag lies

Officials apologized for not properly vetting the hate group’s request for a commemorative flag.

Conservative family hates LGBTQ+ people so much they moved to Russia & shocker it didn't go well

The right-wing family left the freedom of Canada for an oligarchy all because of their hatred of LGBTQ+ people and "left-wing ideology."

Robin Fierce Makes History With Drag Queen Story Hour At Yale

Drag Race's Robin Fierce stopped by to read the banned books.

West Virginia GOP Delegate Thinks 'the LGBTQ' Is Modern Day KKK

The remark came after he tried to push legislation that would allow anti-LGBTQ discrimination.

Right-wing anti-LGBTQ+ education activist exposed as former gay adult film star

Well, well, well who could have seen this HYPOCRISY coming?