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explicit lesbian sex

'Sancta' opera stirs controversy with lesbian sex, bloody on-stage piercings, and naked roller-skating nuns

18 traumatized audience members required medical treatment in one weekend of the German opera, which includes the most sacrilegious use of a crucifix since The Exorcist.

'Blue is the Warmest Color's' Explicit Lesbian Sex Earns it an NC-17 Rating

Blue is the Warmest Color's distributor Sundance Selects will release the film as is without making cuts to the explicit sex scenes.

Cannes is Abuzz About 'Blue is the Warmest Color's' Explicit Lesbian Sex Scenes

Cannes is all abuzz over tonight’s premiere of Blue is the Warmest Color (La Vie d'Adele - Chapitre 1 & 2), a film with a moving love story and explicit lesbian sex scenes from Tunisian director Abdellatif Kechiche. The already critically acclaimed three-hour movie was just picked up for distribution by Sundance Selects.

WATCH: 'Blue is the Warmest Color' Tells Lesbian Coming of Age Story

Blue is the Warmest Color took Cannes by storm this year, shocking and surprising the crowd with its long and explicit lesbian sex scenes, and now the international trailer is out! The critically acclaimed three-hour film from Tunisian director Abdellatif Kechiche will be distributed by Sundance Selects, so look for it in an arthouse theater near you this October,

Lesbian Coming of Age Film 'Blue is the Warmest Color' Takes Palme D'Or at Cannes

Earlier this week Cannes was all abuzz over tonight’s premiere of Blue is the Warmest Color (La Vie d'Adele - Chapitre 1 & 2), a film with a moving love story and explicit lesbian sex scenes from Tunisian director Abdellatif Kechiche. Now it has taken the festival’s top prize, the coveted Palme d’Or.

Ireland May Ban Award-Winning Lesbian Film

Blue is the Warmest Color in hot water in Ireland

Stars of 'Blue Is The Warmest Color' Reflect On 'Embarrassing' Lesbian Sex Scenes

Neither actor was particularly familiar with lesbian sex, and both agreed they'd never work with the director again.

‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ Star On The ‘Truth’ About Those Sex Scenes

Adèle Exarchopoulos clarifies her feelings about filming the controversial and steamy sapphic scenes.

12 Lesbian-Approved Fall Movies We Can't Wait to See

It looks like we'll be spending a lot of time in the theater this fall!

'Killing of Sister George' Star Susannah York Dies at Age 72

Academy Award-nominated actress Susannah York, star of the controversial 1968 lesbian triangle drama, The Killing of Sister George, has died from cancer at age 72.  Two years last York took part in the film adaptation of the play The Killing of Sister George with Coral Browne and Beryl Reid. The lesbian sex scene between Browne's and York's characters was deemed so explicit that the film received an X rating at the time in the United States and was banned or censored in several countries.

WATCH: My Cuban Mom Reacts to Sex Scenes in Blue Is the Warmest Color 

Anna Margarita Albelo's mom needs an agent STAT!

Delta to Restore LGBTQ Content to 'Booksmart,' 'Rocketman' on Flights

The censorship drew serious criticism online.

'The New Normal's' Ellen Barkin Rails Against Homophobic Utah TV Station

Actress Ellen Barkin has never minced words, especially on Twitter, and now she's launching a war against a homophobic Utah TV station that banned her new gay-themed show.

Shot of the Day: UK Conservatives Try to Ban Lesbian-Leaning Self-Love Ad

A Harvey Nichols ad campaign in the United Kingdom showing women kissing their own reflection prompted religious conservatives to get their knickers in a twist and complain to the national advertising authority.

Lesbian Kiss Removed from 'Star Wars' in Singapore Release

The kiss would have upped the PG-13 rating.

Gay Marriage Ban Passes in Wyoming Senate

Wyoming residents are one step closer to voting on a constitutional ban on marriage equality now that the senate has passed a measure on Thursday calling for the ballot initiative.

LGBT-Inclusive Domestic Violence Act Passes in Senate

The Senate passed the first LGBT-inclusive version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) with a bi-partisan 68-31 vote, introducing explicit protections for LGBT survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse.