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equality act

Lindsey Graham Anthony Brindisi

What a shock – Lindsey Graham spews trans hate

Graham and Ted Cruz went after a nominee who once served in Congress as a Democrat and supported the pro-LGBTQ+ rights Equality Act.

Taylor Swift Is Hopeful for the Future of the Equality Act

The music legend and proud ally celebrated the passing of the comprehensive LGBTQ+ civil rights bill in the House of Representatives.

Trans Teen Urges Senate to Pass the Equality Act in Powerful Speech

"How is that even American?" implored 16-year-old Stella Keating at the Senate floor hearing.

Jonathan Van Ness Meets With Nancy Pelosi to Fight for Equality Act

The Queer Eye star is making the political rounds this week.

Rhode Island Now The 10th State With Legal Marriage Equality

Immediately after the state House of Representatives approved the Marriage Equality Act, Gov. Lincoln Chafee signed the measure into law.

Sweeping LGBT Rights Bill to Be Introduced This Week

The Equality Act would include protections in public accommodations, public education, employment, housing, federal funding, jury service, legal protections, and credit.

Fox News Provides Platform to Mock Taylor Swift & Her Fans

Kellyanne Conway had some words for the "You Need to Calm Down" singer after she called attention to the Equality Act in her VMAs speech.

Hawaii House Passes Marriage Equality!

After more than a week of often heated debate, Hawaii's House passed the Marriage Equality Act by a vote of 30-19. After a confirmation vote from the Senate, the bill will go to supportive Gov. Neil Abercrombie for his signature

New Jersey Assembly Passes Marriage Equality Bill-Next Stop Christie!

The New Jersey Assembly passed the marriage equality bill Thursday, promising to intensify the standoff with Governor Chris Christie, who has vowed to veto the measure. The New Jersey Assembly passed the Marriage Equality and Religious Exemption Act for the first time on Thursday afternoon in a 42-33 vote. The historic passage, following Senate approval on Tuesday, turns the spotlight to Governor Chris Christie, who has vowed to veto the measure once it reaches his desk.

Politics v. Psychology: The Neverending Battle for Women's Equality and Fair Pay: Op-ED

While the Third Wave feminist movement fades away and nobody is sure who is going to claim the Fourth Wave (Mama grizzlies fighting for rigid heteronormative lifestyles or women fighting for equal rights), the Paycheck Fairness Act for Women finally makes its way to the Senate after passing in the House two years ago. It’s not a surprise that the Republicans blocked its passage. What has grabbed my attention regarding this political battle is the underlying psychological implications this issue has for all women. 

Elizabeth Warren Proposes Retroactive Tax Refunds for LGBTQ Spouses

Same-sex couples who were married prior to federal recognition of same-sex marriage would be eligible.

Feds Extend All Possible Benefits to Same-Sex Couples, The Rest Is Up to Congress

But federal laws make some married same-sex couples ineligible for certain Social Security and veterans' benefits, explains a new report.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist Expands Gay Rights

Florida governor and independent U.S. Senate candidate Charlie Crist is set to endorse a broad package of gay rights, including adoption rights, the right to serve openly in the military, and employment nondiscrimination, as early as this week.

Dem Presidential Hopeful Apologizes for Past Anti-LGBTQ Comments

Tulsi Gabbard made several remarks against equal rights during her early career.

Democrats Propose Full Marriage Backing and DOMA Repeal for Platform

A statement of support for marriage equality will be subject to approval by the Democratic Platform Committee meeting this weekend. The Democrats' Drafting Committee released the proposed language to Buzzfeed Thursday. The draft language, expresses the party's support for marriage equality, while also supporting the "freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference."

Senate Republicans to Women: You Don't Deserve Equal Pay

The Paycheck Fairness Act, a bill that would work to ensure fair pay for women, was shot down in the senate Wednesday on a 58 - 41 vote with Republicans unanimously against it. Even though the Senate had a majority support, it failed to overcome a Republican filibuster which would have required 60 votes.

Pete Buttigieg’s High School Wouldn’t Hire Him Because He’s Gay

Gay marriage is “incompatible with the mission of the Catholic school educator,” says the Indiana high school spokeswoman.

Taylor Swift Posts Passionate Letter In Support of LGBTQ Rights

We're really loving this new outspoken Taylor.

Selena Gomez Is Grateful For the Gays

"The LGBTQ+ community has been there for me and I don't take them for granted," the superstar said about the support she's received over the years.