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'Sancta' opera stirs controversy with lesbian sex, bloody on-stage piercings, and naked roller-skating nuns

18 traumatized audience members required medical treatment in one weekend of the German opera, which includes the most sacrilegious use of a crucifix since The Exorcist.

Ultimate Lesbian Who Looks Like Justin Bieber

Love it or hate it, the Tumblr-fueled trend of Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber is still going strong. Check out this video of  the most convincing doppleganger yet.

Mariah Carey Dresses in Drag for 'Obsessed' Video

The battle of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon with Eminem continued Monday as Carey's new single "Obsessed" music video shoot had her dressed in costume as Eminem. Scenes were filmed at New York's Plaza Hotel with Carey playing a man in two costumes. With the exception of the beard she sports in both, she looks just like the rapper (and it's not very flattering).

ROES' Artistry Helped Inspire My Poetry

ROES' (formerly Angel Haze) music is a powerful testament of introspection.