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edie windsor

What is a Grand Marshal?

We just named our first Grand Marshal, but what does that mean?

Shot of the Day: Obama Thanks Edie Windsor

President Obama met this week with Edie Windsor, the octogenarian lesbian whose landmark case at the U.S. Supreme Court stuck down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act.

Edie Windsor Up for Time's Person of the Year

Edie Windsor is pretty much our person of the year, so this makes sense!

'Drunk History' Celebrates Edie Windsor & Same-Sex Marriage

"I'm talking about gay stuff!"

LISTEN: Edie Windsor's Message for Florida Governor Rick Scott

'I implore you to use the power of your office to allow loving couples to marry now in your state,' says the woman who defeated DOMA.

Watch Marriage Equality USA's Series of Edie Windsor Interviews

On the one-year anniversary of the landmark SCOTUS decision, MEUSA released a series of Edie Windsor interviews documenting her life leading to the major fight for marriage equality.

WATCH: Edie Windsor Reflects a Year After DOMA - Part 3

Edie Windsor discusses the beginning of her sense of community.

Bill Clinton To Honor Edie Windsor And Roberta Kaplan On Logo TV

LGBT pioneers Edie Windsor and Roberta Kaplan will be honored by Bill Clinton for their fight to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.

WATCH: Edie Windsor and Diana Nyad Featured in Bing TV Spot

Diana Nyad and Edie Windsor are featured in Bing's new TV spot for 'Brave' women.

WATCH: Edie Windsor on Coming Out, Her Love Story, and How Times Have Changed

Edie Windsor, the 83-year-old lesbian widow whose case before the Supreme Court just struck down a key section of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and cleared the way for legally married same-sex couples to access a litany of federal benefits, filmed a rare video interview for lesbian cruise line Olivia Travel to celebrate the company's 40th anniversary.

WATCH: Edie Windsor Talks Meeting Thea Spyer

In Part Two of a three-part series, Edie Windsor delves into keeping her sexuality undercover, her ‘persistent’ relationship with Thea, trying to find a date at a bar

VOTE: You Pick SheWired's Woman of the Year

Diana Nyad, Edie Windsor, Brittney Griner, and Mary Lambert are just a few of the outstanding women of 2013. Vote for who you think is Woman of the Year!

Lesbian Love Stories: When Edie Met Thea

This month, SheWired’s sister publication Out Magazine features 23 queer love stories that will move you. Some might make you think while others may make you laugh, but these totally true love stories will definitely leave you feeling good. Take a look at Edie Windsor’s touching story, “When Edie Met Thea.”

LISTEN: Justice Sotomayor Dismantles Pro-Prop 8 Attorney's Anti-Marriage Equality Argument in 60 Seconds

Unless you’ve been in the tundra (do we even have those anymore with all of the climate change?) with no Facebook and Twitter, you’re well aware that the Supreme Court heard arguments on Prop 8 yesterday and Edie Windsor’s challenge to DOMA today.

Hey SCOTUS, Are You Going To Tell Us These Lesbians Aren't Married?

In honor of lesbian widow Edie Windsor's case challenging the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, which comes before the Supreme Court today, we thought we'd round up some of our favorite lesbian weddings from recent years.

Shot of the Day: Gorgeous Lesbian Couple Featured in Jet Magazine in 1970

Four decades before Edie Windsor took her case to the Supreme Court and argued that the government's refusal to recognize her marriage to her late spouse, Thea Spyer, Edna Knowles and Peaches Stevens were making headlines for marrying the woman of their dreams, legal recognition be damned.

House Republicans Recruit Bush-Era Lawyer to Defend DOMA

House Republicans have recruited former Solicitor General Paul Clement to represent the government in federal cases challenging the Defense of Marriage Act. House attorneys are expected to file a motion to intervene in Windsor v. United States of America in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Edie Windsor sued after the federal government refused to recognize her marriage to Thea Spyer, who died in 2009. As a result of DOMA, Windsor was forced to pay estate tax — a six-figure bill she would have been exempt from were her marriage recognized.

Federal Appeals Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional in Lesbian Widow Case

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled against the Defense of Marriage Act today in the case, Windsor v. United States, involving the lesbian widow, Edith “Edie” Windsor, marking the second time a federal appeals court has found the 1996 law unconstitutional. Defenders of DOMA could not demonstrate a legitimate interest for the federal government to treat same-sex married couples differently from any other married couples, the court ruled.