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coroners report

'Drag Race UK' star The Vivienne died of 'unnatural causes,' an inquest found

An inquest released new details about beloved drag queen The Vivienne's death.

Orphan Black Recap: Love (And Lube) is In the Air

Alison may be absent this week, but we get more of Rachel than ever

Whitney Houston's Coroner's Report: Cocaine May have Triggered Heart Attack

The Los Angeles County Coroner's Report on Whitney Houston was released today and while "accidental drowning" is listed as the cause of death, cocaine was found in the star's system.

What'd She Say? Top Quotes from 2011

From homecoming queens to the head of the state department, women have said and done a lot this year, naturally. Here’s a look back at 2011’s headlines through what lesbians have said, or some things said about them...