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codependent lesbian space alien seeks same

15 movies fabulously Sapphic movies that have played at Sundance

The Sundance Film Festival has been home to many classic movies focused on lesbians and queer women over the years.

7 Great Queer Girl Films You Won't See at The Golden Globes Tonight

From the unsung heroes to the latest releases, here are a seven cool films that are either literally, subtextually, or metaphorically about the ladies to love ladies. To be fair, some of these haven't been released and are therefore not eligible for The Globes, but we thought we'd put them on your radar just the same!

17 Reasons Why We Can't Wait to See a Bunch of Lesbian Movies at Outfest 2014

If you're looking for films featuring women, it's a good year at Outfest!

Comic Jackie Monahan on Lesbian Hookers and Space Aliens - Interview

Onscreen she’s Zylar, the hilariously slutty extraterrestrial in Madeline Olnek’s hilarious Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same (which is showing in L.A. Aug. 17-23). Off-screen she’s just been named Esquire magazine’s funniest new comic. We caught up with the super sexy funny girl to find out what makes lesbian comic and actress Jackie Monahan tick.