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chick fil a

Chicks Kissing Chicks at Chick-fil-A Restaurants

For anyone ignoring all non-Olympic news and goings-on in the world over the past week or so, Chick-fil-A is in the middle of a big controversy that has grown since the CEO of the chain, Dan Cathy, announced the company is against the LGBT community, re-emphasizing what over $2 million in donations from the company to stop marriage equality has been doing for some time now. In response to Chick-fil-A’s statements and actions, activists planned a National Same-Sex Kiss Day at Chick-fil-A locations around the country today, and our sibling site Advocate put a call out for photos from participants of their kisses. Here are some of those photos of chicks kissing chicks:

Chick-fil-A to be Banned in Boston?

If Mayor Thomas Menino (pictured) has his way, Chick-fil-A may be banned in Boston. The fast-food chain, which has donated to antigay causes and whose executives this week admitted to antigay stances while saying the company doesn’t discriminate, is looking for locations in the city. One is near the famous Freedom Trail, a series of historic sites connected to the American Revolution. But Menino says that area, or any location in Boston, isn’t appropriate for a business with such policies.

Is Chick-fil-A Like Gay Sex?

Lesbian pundit Sally Kohn makes a hilariously satirical analogy.

Houston's Lesbian-Owned Beaver's Restaurant Responds to Chick-Fil-A with Chick On Chick Filet

Lesbian chef Monica Pope owns Beaver’s Houston (the name is only the beginning of all their entertaining food/restaurant and sex puns – just check out their website for a good giggle). On their list of specials for Friday was the Chick on Chick Filet, a sandwich of “two loving chicken breasts married on toasty buns with a honey mustard witness and joined in celebration with tolerant fries."

Chick-fil-A Already Raising Questionable Money?

Although Chick-fil-A supposedly assured a Chicago alderman that it would stop donating to antigay groups, this week it held a fundraiser for one anyway.

Chick-fil-A Is Done Donating to Anti-LGBTQ Charities

Mmm, tastes like gay chicken!

Federal Investigation Opened Into Chick-fil-A Airport Ban

Complaints of religious discrimination prompted the investigation.

San Jose Chick-fil-A to Be Surrounded by LGBTQ Flags

Get your chicken sandwich with a side of rainbows.

Anti-Gay Chick-fil-A Isn't Welcome at This University

The fast-food chain is popular with students, but the Rider University administration took a stand against it. 

Maryland Chick-fil-A Vandalized with Stickers and a Rainbow Flag

Another Chick-fil-A restaurant has been vandalized with pro-same-sex marriage messages – this time with stickers instead of paint. Stickers promoting marriage equality and an image combining a rainbow flag and the American flag were found glued to the windows of a Maryland Chick-fil-A restaurant early Sunday morning, Cpl. Gregory Santangelo told The Frederick News-Post. Several homemade signs were also left at the site, he said.

Sip on Starbucks for Today's Chick-fil-A Counter Protest

Marriage equality activists are planning to swarm gay-supportive company Starbucks, among several others, Tuesday to counter the recent en masse eat-in at Chick-fil-A last week.

Chick Fil A Recipe with all of the Taste: None of the Bigotry

Internet chef Hilah Johnsonloves Chick-Fil-A's fried chicken sandwiches, but she isn't so keen on the company's antigay political leanings, or the fact that it's closed on Sundays. So Johnson took matters into her own hands and came up with the Chick-Fil-Gay, a substitute for those who crave one of the company's chicken sandwiches but don't want to patronize the restaurant.

Chick-Fil-A Run Off Boston's Northeastern University

After Northeastern University's student senate voted overwhelmingly to ban Chick-fil-A from campus, school officials cancelled a pending contract with the Atlanta-based fast food chain that's given millions to antigay causes. Northeastern was considering allowing Chick-fil-A to open a restaurant at the newly renovated student center, but a petition opposing the chain soon gained 300 student signatures.

'Save Chick-fil-A' Bill Defeated by Texas LGBTQ Caucus

Women getting things done.

Watch: Jane Lynch Says 'Fu*k Chick-fil-A'

Funny lady Jane Lynch launched her gig as roast master for Roseanne Barr with some choice words for openly antigay fast food franchise Chick-fil-A. After taking the stage, Lynch scanned the room, filled with such comic legends as Carrie Fisher, Ellen Barkin, and Katey Sagal. "This show is serving up more old spoiled hens than a Chick-Fil-A. Oh, that reminds me ... fuck Chick-Fil-A," she said. Lynch has been married to Lara Embry, a psychologist, since 2010.

Jim Henson and Company Sever Ties with Antigay Chick-fil-A

After Chick-fil-A's CEO confirmed his opposition to gay rights earlier this month, the repercussions keep coming — the latest is an announcement from the Jim Henson Company that they will no longer provide toys for the chicken chain's meals.

Chick-fil-A Name Removed From Banners for Antigay Event

The Chick-fil-A name has been removed from banner ads promoting a marriage event sponsored by the antigay Pennsylvania Family Institute. The company tweeted that it was “looking into the issue” on Tuesday but has yet to issue an official statement. Chick-fil-A had been listed as a sponsor for February’s “The Art of Marriage” event, sponsored by the conservative, antigay group.

The Last Chick-fil-A in the UK Finally Shuts Doors After Protests

Looks like the controversial friend chicken chain has finally flown the coop.

UK's First Chick-fil-A Is Shutting Down After LGBTQ Protests

Well, that didn't last very long...