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Celebrities who have dished on SCISSORING — go on, we're listening​

Who doesn't want to talk about scissoring?

'A Year Straight' By Elena Azzoni - Book Excerpt

After having spent nearly her entire adult life dating women (and liking it), Elena Azzoni felt pretty secure in her sexual orientation: she’d even just been crowned Miss Lez. Then, one day in yoga class, a male teacher moved in close to adjust her pose…and she suddenly found herself intensely—bafflingly—attracted to him. Eventually she initiated a flirtation with him; after that, there was no going back.

Joan Jett's Bad-Ass Barbie Inspires a SheWired 80's Collection!

Mattel has introduced its Ladies of the 80's Barbie collection due out this December. Among the 80's icons slated for plastic reproduction are Joan Jett --no Kristen StewartRunaways doppelganger in sight though -- Cyndi Lauper and Deborah Harry. But why stop there? How about Madonna, Tracy Chapman, Siouxsie, Annie Lennox and Janet Jackson? Or for the budding lesbian collector, how about Melissa Etheridge and k.d. Lang?