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17 LGBTQ+ movies & TV shows coming in September 2024 & where to watch them

Nothing beats the heat like a late summer binge! Here’s what we are watching all month long!

Was JFK bisexual? A viral tweet is reigniting speculation — here's the tea

Was President John F. Kennedy family? Here's what we know about his forgotten queer history.

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn Signs Civil Union Legislation

Gay Illinoisans rejoiced Monday afternoon as Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation establishing civil unions, giving same-sex couples most of the state-level rights and responsibilities of marriage. Quinn signed the bill before a crowd of hundreds at the Chicago Cultural Center. He invoked the state’s most famous politician, Abraham Lincoln, by saying, “We’re a government of the people, by the people, for the people, and it shall not perish from the earth.”

Illinois Celebrates Marriage Equality Signing Amidst Cheers and Tears!

There was plenty of joy in the air today as Gov. Pat Quinn signed marriage equality into law in a Chicago ceremony.

LGBTQ+ Celebs Show History Is Gayer Than You Think in Campy New Series

Watch the trailer for 'The Book of Queer' here!

Amy Schumer 'Hopes' To Sleep With A Woman

Stand-up girl Amy Schumer talks to Alec Baldwin on his podcast about the attention she gets from women. 

Op-ed: Moms to Us All

Whoopi Goldberg’s documentary on late comedian Moms Mabley, which premieres Monday on HBO, can now say what was kept silent when she was doing her pioneering work — that Moms was a lesbian.

Black Gays Invited to the White House

Rev. Irene Monroe shares her experience as one of the a group of black lesbians and gays who were invited to the White House. 'Just as my enslaved ancestorscould have never imagined an African American family residing in the White House, nor could my African American lesbian, gay bisexual transgender and queer (LGBTQ) brothers and sisters who fought in the Stonewall Riots of 1969 in New York's Greenwich Village imagine that one day a special invitation from the White House would openly welcome us in.'

What is Juneteenth and why is it so important?

First celebrated in 1866 in Texas, it's now a federal holiday.

Singled Out: The Plight of the Skinny Bitch

Entertainment Publicist Mona Elayfi and out and about Los Angeles lesbian bemoans her skinny bitch status and putting those anorexia accusations to rest. It's obsessive compulsive working out that's at the root of this girl's skinny-ass status.

Who the F Is … Musician Ronnie Gilbert?

This week we look at an iconic singer and activist who has performed with such fellow legends as Pete Seeger, who died just this week, and Holly Near.

The Weekly Casting Couch: Kristen Stewart, Kate Winslet, Rosario Dawson, Sarah McLachlan

Want to meet Kristen Stewart? You might, with this week's announcement of a series of Twilight conventions. That, and details about Kate Winslet, Sarah McLachlan, Rosario Dawson and news of a TV adaptation of St. Elmo's Fire topline this installment of the Hollywood Trade Roundup, a collection of the week's Hollywood hotties in the headlines from The Hollywood Reporter and Daily Variety.

Jill Bennett and Cathy DeBuono: 'The Gloves Are OFF!' Livestream Thursday!

This week during the livestream of SheWired's The Gloves Are Off, join the conversation with our favorite lesbian pair, Cathy DeBuono and Jill Bennett, to continue last week's topics and discuss racial profiling. This Thursday at 7:00 PM PST.