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This Trans Model Wore a Dress Made Out of Flags from Anti-LGBT Countries

This Trans Model Wore a Dress Made Out of Flags from Anti-LGBT Countries

There's more to this dress than meets the eye.


Photo: Instagram

As part of last year's popular EuroPride celebration in Amsterdam, transgender model Valentijn De Hingh made a huge fashion statement by donning a long, flowing gown that was comprised solely of the 72 flags of countries where homosexuality is still illegal.

"That little lady wearing the big dress is me," De Hingh said in a post she made on her Instagram account. "[Mattijs van Bergen] and [Oeri van Woezik] co-created this dress made of 72 flags, representing the 72 countries where homosexuality is still outlawed."

Although the dress is despairing in nature, especially considering that 72 anti-LGBT countries is still A LOT, De Hingh expressed some hope, stating that whenever one of the countries on the dress passes legislation that advances equality for queer people, their flag on the dress will be replaced with a rainbow flag.

"Every country that changes its legislation will have its flag replaced by a rainbow flag," she said. "Let's hope this dress will represent a patchwork of rainbows sooner rather than later!"

We can't wait to see what kind of head-turning statement Valentijn makes during this year's round of Pride festivities! If it is anything like this dress, it's sure to get people thinking. 

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h/t: Marble


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