If you haven't been keeping up with Steven Universe, you may want to stop reading right now and watch the latest episodes. Our favorite LGBTQ children's show just made history with an adorable same-sex marriage proposal.
Cartoon Network's latest episode, 'The Question,' picks up soon after the earth-shattering revelation that the leader of the Crystal Gems, Rose Quartz, was actually Pink Diamond. Our favorite gems are in disarray and Garnet's feelings of shock and betrayal physically split her apart.
Since Rose Quartz initially suggested Ruby and Sapphire fuse and be together, they struggle to understand how much of their relationship was of their own free will and not just taking a Diamond's orders. Ruby runs away to find an independence and solace she's never had before and aspires to be like the Lonesome Lasso, a cowboy who makes his own rules on the open range.
But once Ruby has had her fun, she can't help but miss Sapphire. "The whole time I kept thinking about how much more fun I’d have if I were with her," she explains to Steven. "Sapphire was always there with me. I feel her smile just like it was mine. It’s so lonely now.
"That's lame right? I came here to be my own gem, but I’m still thinking about what she’d like, what she'd want all the time."
When Steven assures her that that's not lame, Ruby comes to a resolution. "If I’m making my own decisions, then I’ll decide I want to be with Sapphire."
But Ruby doesn't want their relationship to go back to what it was before, when it was based on a lie. She wants to make something new, something that's purely theirs.
She reunites with Sapphire on the beach. "Someone else told us we were the answer. But I don't believe that anymore. At least, not until I hear that from you."
Ruby get's down on one knee, "Sapphire, will you marry me?
"What?" replies Sapphire. "Marry you?"
"This way we can be together even when we're apart! This time being Garnet will be our decision. What do you say?"
Sapphire smiles, "Of course." The two then kiss. The music swells. Hearts around the world burst.
This is the first time a mainstream animated series has featured an LGBTQ proposal. Rebecca Sugar was excited to bring this moment to life. “I wanted to really create an image of a queer couple that makes sense together,” she told Variety. “Usually the couple is a man and a woman. But you don’t show that love can exist between two men or two women. I wanted to create equal-opportunity love stories for children."
"[The show’s crew] all wanted to tell stories from our own childhoods that we hadn’t seen reflected onscreen before. And we didn’t want to hold back showing things that were very specific to us. … I’m fascinated by animation as a medium because it gives this illusion of simplicity but it’s very difficult to create. It allows us to create iconography that has an amazing power to normalize things.”
Catch Sapphire and Ruby's marriage episode tonight on Cartoon Network.