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Spirit Day Began With One High School Student's Tumblr Post

Who knew a simple blog post could spark a movement?

The Trevor Project, GLSEN, and Facebook Team Up to End LGBTQ Online Bullying

"Half of all LGBTQ young people will experience homophobic bullying online."

Hillary Clinton's Spirit Day Tweet Is Perfect and Important

After defending LGBT equality in last night's debate, Hillary continues to prove our community is a priority. 

Why we need to give shout outs to all the celebrities supporting LGBT youth

Celebrities and high-profile personalities continue to give the anti-LGBT bullying issue a spotlight in order to make a positive impact. 

10 Ways to Make Your School More LGBTQ+ Friendly

School can be tough when you're queer, but together, we can take a stand against bullying!

9 Ways to Take a Stand Against LGBTQ+ Bullying After Spirit Day

Students, parents, and educators can stop bullying together all year long.

Queer Teens Open Up About How They Overcame Bullying

"I do think it’s important to acknowledge that bullying doesn’t necessarily look like it does in movies. It’s not always physical."

An Origin Story: Spirit Day and Bullying Prevention Month

A brief history of Bullying Prevention Month and Spirit Day.

An Origins Story: Spirit Day

This Moving Rendition of 'Ring of Keys' Will Get You Ready for Spirit Day

GLAAD partners with the Curran Theatre in San Francisco to raise awareness for Spirit Day this October.

Kellogg's Made Gay Cereal Because Brands Have No Chill

Nobody asked for this. 

That Time My Little Brother Saw Me Experience Homophobia

His reaction to me being bullied was surprising.