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Linda Harvey Says Gays and Feminists "Hate Jesus"

Linda Harvey Says Gays and Feminists "Hate Jesus"

Linda Harvey Says Gays and Feminists "Hate Jesus"

“This is why you have the homosexual and pro-abortion feminists remaining silent or actually being apologists for radical Islam. Hello, they would be the first people that in an Islamic state that would come under some level of oppression, why wouldn’t they be afraid of these people? No, because they all hate Jesus Christ and his followers.”

Conservative, right-wing radio host Linda Harveysaid on her Mission: America radio show that gays and feminists “hate Jesus Christ.”

The program's topic focused on the anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks, and Harvey took the opportunity to accuse liberals on the left of failing to stand up to what she termed “radical Islam.”
“There’s a real simple answer, I think," Harvey said of the left, "in that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They all hate the actual Judeo-Christian heritage and those who uphold it, they hate the West ... they hate the ideology, they hate the freedom. It’s a spiritual thing, they hate Jesus Christ.

“This is why you have the homosexual and pro-abortion feminists remaining silent or actually being apologists for radical Islam. Hello, they would be the first people that in an Islamic state that would come under some level of oppression, why wouldn’t they be afraid of these people? No, because they all hate Jesus Christ and his followers.”

This is just the latest radical statement from Harvey, who regularly claims on her broadcasts that there is no such thing as LGBT individuals, merely it is “the lifestyle, not the person, because there are no such humans”; denounced the It Gets Better Project; and voiced concerns over gay employees capability and suggested they are a risk for working with children.
You can listen to Harvey's “hate Jesus Christ” clip here, via LGBTQ Nation.

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Lily Shavick