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How to Ace Ruby Rose's Lesbian Power-Brow Look

How to Ace Ruby Rose's Lesbian Power-Brow Look

How to Ace Ruby Rose's Lesbian Power-Brow Look

We’re all loving Ruby Rose for many reasons. But, one of the biggest reasons is that she's constantly brining the lesbian power-brow into mainstream media. Wait ... you haven't heard of the lesbian power-brow? Hang on ...

Ruby Rose raising her eyebrow.

See the definition in that brow? That arch is a masterpiece. Check out the video belowby Beauty’s Big Sister, and sculpt your own power-brows. 

Bonus! For the full effect, add this eye tactic modelled by Ruby Rose herself.

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Ej Rosetta

EJ is a gin enthusiast, cat lover and perpetually single coffee addict, who happens to have a super cool accent.

EJ is a gin enthusiast, cat lover and perpetually single coffee addict, who happens to have a super cool accent.