There’s always that awkward tension between you and your friends. They want to go to a straight club, and you want to go to a queer club. You’re outnumbered four to one, so a democratic vote won’t do you any good. You need to say something a little more persuasive than, “It’s not fair” to sway them.
Here are some ways to get you friends to go a queer club.
1. Offer to drive 
When you DD, your friends have to do whatever you want. That’s the benefit of being the DD.
2. The music is better 
This is a huge. Queer clubs have the best music to dance to. Always. Use this in your argument.
3. Fewer aggressive men to hit on your girlfriends 
Sometimes your straight GFs just want to have a night out without boys. Ironically, taking them to a club full of boys is somehow the best option. At a queer club, there will be fewer men interested in picking up your GFs, and they can dance the night away uninterrupted.
4. “Accidentally” take them to a typically straight bar on an LGBT night 
So technically this is “lying,” and they might be a little “annoyed” but once you’re all there, no one’s going to want to leave.
5. Guilt them 
How many times have you gone to a straight club with them without any protest?
6. Celebrate same-sex marriage legalization 
You can finally marry! You need to celebrate this by finding your future husband. What better place to find a man than at a queer bar?