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On Saturday, former President of the United States and professional defendant Donald Trump addressed a rally in the critical battleground state of New Hampshire, with a speech that took the form of a single run-on sentence that is quite possibly still going on somewhere now, almost 48 hours later.
Immediately following this surreal but typical display, Trump critics lit up the news cycle with alarmed comments comparing his anti-immigrant rhetoric to that of Adolf Hitler–specifically in Hitler’s 1925 political memoir Mein Khampf, which the future dictator wrote while imprisoned for attempting to overthrow the government, noted for its unvarnished antisemitism and racism, and for its constantly aggrieved tone, as Hitler portrayed himself as a martyr for the abuses supposedly heaped on the German state by external and internal enemies.
Sound familiar? Horrifyingly familiar?
That’s because Trump’s rhetoric frequently mirrors Hitler’s, assuming of course we grade on a curb allowing for the fact that Trump speaks in any way coherently. Just this one nearly 90-minute Durham address echoed, or in some cases just plain paraphrased sentiments straight out of Hitler’s ’25 tome.
But you don’t have to take our word for it… here are his words for it instead. Let’s play the darkest game of “Who Said it Best.” Also, please vote, no matter how you feel about President Joe Biden we CANNOT do this again.