Matt Gaetz was in the middle of a meteoric rise within the Republican Party when he torpedoed his own career so spectacularly that now the only job he can seemingly get is working for a far-right “news” channel.
We love a little schadenfreude in the morning!
On Tuesday, Gaetz announced that he’s joining One America News — the ultra-conservative broadcaster that heavily supports President-elect Donald Trump — as a host of the nightly The Matt Gaetz Show.
This means Gaetz went from being a Florida congressman to quitting his job in Congress so he could be Trump’s number one pick for attorney general — a position he dropped out of amid allegations of illegal drug use and sex with an underage 17-year-old girl — only to end up at a cut-rate news station that somehow manages to be a bigger MAGA supporter than Fox News.
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Gaetz will also co-host an OAN video podcast with Dan Ball, host of Real America with Dan Ball.
Just what we needed, another conservative white guy with a microphone.
It’s got to be embarrassing to go from working on Capitol Hill and being a hair’s breadth away from becoming Trump’s right-hand man to now having to shill for a propaganda machine masquerading as a news network that only MAGA die-hards watch. How embarrassing for him. Plus, he’s being roasted on X (formerly Twitter) where people are dunking on him for being “banned to the minor leagues," making fun of OAN for employing “pedophiles” — allegedly — and quipping that we probably won’t hear from him as much anymore now that “he will no longer be making news just reporting it.”
Keep scrolling to see the funniest reactions to Matt Gaetz demoting himself!